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QUESTION: Mark, one of my arms is bigger than the other. How can I even them up?


Firstly, this is normal. My arms are not the same size. Every person I know that lifts has one arm bigger than the other. Personally, it’s never bothered me much, so I have made no attempt to “correct” it. But ok, let’s take a look at this…

Firstly, stop using a barbell and start using dumbbells for your arm movements. Using a barbell will result in the stronger arm taking most of the load. To ensure an equal distribution of the load, use 2 x dumbbells of equal weight.

Once you’ve taken care of the dumbbell situation, you will have to do a little more work to a high-level of intensity for the weaker arm. Since you’ll be training the larger arm as normal (to positive failure on THT training) and still stimulating growth in the larger arm, you’ll need the smaller arm to be growing at a faster pace in order to eventually even them out.

How do we do this? We must start employing advanced techniques.

In my recent post ‘6 Advanced Techniques You’ve Never Heard Of‘ – 4 of them could be used to great effect here:

  1. An Infitonic 1-Rep Max
  2. A Static Hold After Positive Failure
  3. Omni-Contractions
  4. Extended Sets

Go to that post to learn exactly how to implement these techniques in your workouts.

One last option is to use a full “hyper-intense” workout for the arms – The Arms Blast – and train only the smaller arm with the advanced protocol.

However, as I said at the beginning, I’d rather just keep hitting both arms intensely and being ok with the fact that they’re not the same size.


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