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So your boss is on an ego trip one day and decides to sack your lazy ass.

The first thing on your mind isn’t your mortgage, or your woman giving you a severe wrap across the mouth. It’s, “What are cheapest sources of protein I can get my hands on?” (if the preceding statements actually described you, you need your head examined 😉 )

So I thought I’d put together a list for anyone looking cheap sources of protein.

I came up with 13 from my own experience. If you know of any more, leave a comment below.

13 Cheap Protein Sources


(1) Tuna


You can get Tesco Tuna Flakes for 55p (185g tin). There’s about 30g of protein in there.

(2) Whey


The cheapest source of high-quality protein can be found at MyProtein. MyProtein USA here. MyProtein UK/Europe here.

And if you use those links I just gave you and input MUSCLEHACK at checkout, you can get 10% off your entire order – every single time you order.

Slam down 40g whey after your THT training sessions to fuel big gains (ON Whey is also a good choice).

(3) Eggs


And egg deliverd 6g protein, if you eat them whole. And you SHOULD eat them whole! See here for the benefits of whole eggs. (Only when I’m cutting sometimes do I use a combo of whole and egg whites to reduce calories).


TheCover164TopPostsIf you want to make serious muscle gains, download my free THT training package.


(4) Chicken

Specifically for me it’s frozen fillets from Tesco. It’s the cheapest way to get your chicken I’ve found. £3.82 for a 1kg bag of fillets. I cook 2 x 2kg bags at a time, and keep the fillets in the fridge for when I need them. Makes life easier 🙂

Always bear in mind that all meat usually delivers about 20-25% protein per weight. So 100g cooked will give about 25g of protein.

All meat delivers about 25% protein per weight. So 100g chicken breast = 25g protein Share on X

(5) Low-fat Natural Greek Yogurt

Now before you flip out because I selected the low-fat version, I did so because there is actually a higher protein content. 89p for a 170g pot, which will give you about 15g of protein.

Add some whey and berries and you’re all set. Since it’s both low in carbs and fat, it’ll work with any diet. You can also use this to make my totally frickin’ awesome Blueberry Protein Pancakes!

(6) Tins of Stewed Steak (tesco)

A half a tin of this is all you need for one serving. It’ll deliver about 30g protein. A full tin is about £1.40, so you’re talking about 70p per serving. Plus it’s tasty as hell! It’s about 5% carbs and 3% fat, so it’ll go well on most diets too.

(7) Tins of Chicken in White Sauce

I found this recently while doing my shopping. £1.40 per tin and you’d only take half a tin per serving, which gives 25g protein. It’s low in carbs (1%) and about 8% fat. A good choice for the MANS diet.

(8) Corned Beef

I love corned beef. Not surprising being Irish I suppose 😉 But we don’t eat corned beef & cabbage (I don’t know where that came from).

A big-ass 340g tin of Princes Corned Beef is only £2.99 and you only need 100g at a time for 25g protein. (There’s a lean version if you prefer).

(9) Pigs Liver

35p in Tesco!

(10) Sardines

49p for a tin of sardines, giving 20g protein. A very portable choice if you’re on the go.

(11) Cheese

Should fairly self-explanatory. It’s cheap, low-carb, high-fat or low-fat, tastes great, goes well with most things.

(12) Nuts and nut butters

Go natural with nut butters. I recently posted on the facebook page that I bought a large tub of natural peanut butter from MyProtein. It’s £5.99 for a 1kg tub.  I use this for some of the easy protein bar recipes in my Buff Baking anabolic cookbook. Also try almond nut butter.

(13) Quinoa

I know what you’re thinking, but it’s good as a side. So if you want a good, low GL side to go with your meat, try quinoa. It’s about 14% protein and should be a staple on the GLAD diet.

Click here for 13 sources of cheap #protein to build muscle Share on X

What cheap protein sources do you use? Share them with the rest of us by leaving your suggestions below.

If you’re from a different part of the world, I definitely want to hear from you. And other readers in your neck of the woods want to hear your tips too!

And click here for vegetarian sources of protein.

Stay Motivated!


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