Can I give you my free workout?

Join tens of thousands all over the world who are packing on slabs of muscle for free with Targeted Hypertrophy Training (THT)


* 100% FREE





(or click here for real before and after pics and more workout details)

Ok…this is incredible! From now on, all MuscleHack readers can get 10% off all their supplement needs at MyProtein – both my European and USA readers!

Since this is where I get my own supplements, and since I continually recommend them to you guys, I got in touch with them to ask if they would give you all a discount. I’m sending a lot of business their way after all!

They agreed! In fact, they gave me more than I asked for! 🙂

I asked for a 5% discount for new buyers. But they gave me 10% off all purchases, for all products, for an unlimited number repeat purchases into the future!

They are already the cheapest around, but the quality is the best around – guaranteed (that’s why I like them so much).

You can trust these guys. They were the first UK brand to achieve ISO9001 production certification. On their site they state,

“We test every single raw material on entry into our factory and every finished product before it leaves by using our state of the art Near Infra-Red machines.”

So when a bag of protein states 90% protein for example, you can have peace of mind that there really is 90% protein in there. That’s why they state on their site that they are the “UK’s #1 Premium Whey Protein.”




Here’s how to take advantage of this offer.

Any time you need to get new supplements (whether you’re in the USA or anywhere in Europe/UK, don’t go straight to the MyProtein site, come here first and click through to MyProtein from (you can bookmark this page or there are a permanent links to the US and UK MyProtein sites in the footer of this site.

After you click the link and arrive at MyProtein, add all the products you want to your cart and when you’re checking out, look for the little discount code box and use code.





The code MHACK will also work 😀

That’s all you gotta do. So…





The supps I get on a regular basis are:

(you can also buy individual ingredients and make your own dirt-cheap pre-workout – see my post on how to do this here)


An example of some whey being tested for protein content %

An example of some whey being tested for protein content % at MyProtein


Enjoy your cheap supplements!

If you have any questions, I can clear it up for you below. Just leave a comment 🙂

Mark McManus

TheCover164TopPostsIf you want to make serious muscle gains, download my free THT training package.



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Cool! Click here to take you to the download page. (or check your email for the download link)

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Cool! Click here to take you to the download page. (or check your email for the download link)