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MuscleHack Show Podcast 6 – Do You Need To “Eat Big” To Get Big?


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Here is a summary of the points covered in this podcast:






My confession is that I used to believe this. When I first started training, I bought into it because I was a skinny guy who had trouble putting on any weight whatsoever – muscle or fat. It therefore made sense to me.




However, I soon got fat. I became a typical skinny-fat guy. Not much muscle, but a big old gut. I’d then diet and and end losing fat AND muscle (because I hadn’t created my Total Six Pack Abs cutting system at that point so I lost muscle).

Then I’d bulk again and gain back my gut. This crappy cycle continued until I started my serious research in this field 🙁




You only need to eat about 200-300 Calories above maintenance to fuel full recovery and growth. Any excess calories will be stored as fat.

Click here to learn how many cals & protein to build muscle without gaining fat Share on X




Protein is not “free food”. Excess protein will also be converted to fat. About 2/3rds of excess protein is converted to sugar in the body – and then from sugar to fat. Everything – protein, carbs, fat – converts and is stored as fat if eaten in excess.

See this post for a precise formula for daily protein intake.




The bottom line is…extra food does not equal extra muscle

Surplus Calories Make You Fat. Extra Food ≠ Extra Muscle.

Surplus Calories Make You Fat. Extra Food ≠ Extra Muscle ~ Mark McManus Share on X



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