I’m just back from a short holiday. Good times! 😀

I ate loads of unhealthy food and picked up a few new freckles from all the lying around in the sun I did.

I beat my brother at golf, tried my hand at snorkeling (couldn’t breath properly!), and climbed my first wall – 15metres/50 feet; scared the crap outta me but I made it to the top.

Before the climb. Me in yellow tee. Decided to shave my head as well!

An eventful time. I’m still adjusting to normal reality again!

I’ll be back to regular blogging next week but I thought I’d put together a ‘best of’ post in the meantime. These are a combination of the most popular and most important articles I’ve written.

I’m always surprised at how many people haven’t read through the most popular articles; I’m judging this by the questions and comments I get.

If you haven’t read any of the posts below, grab a cup of tea or coffee and settle in for a good read; you’ll be glad you did!

Before I start, if you haven’t read the new THT volume cycle you’re missing out on gains! Go here: THT Volume cycle. The idea is to cycle this workout with the lower volume approach of Total Anabolism 3.0.


You’re never too advanced for a check up on muscle-building fundamentals – How to Build Muscle

Just what is “Overload” exactly? You NEED to know.

The Power Of The Anabolic Window

What the heck is P.O.P. and why if affects your gains – BIG TIME!

Certainly one of the biggest successes of MuscleHack in 2009 was the “Arms Blast Experiment“. This experimental Bicep & Tricep protocol is now available to all in the booklet, “The Arms Blast Experiment Revealed“.

The importance of training to failure. Are you doing it? Are you REALLY doing it?

Like controversy? The current trend for compound-only workouts are NOT optimal for muscle growth (though compound exercises are great). Go here to see why I defend isolation exercises.


How long does it take to get a six-pack? Hint: It’s not as long as you think if you know what you’re doing 😉

The case AGAINST cardio. I expanded upon this and added even more reasons in the T.A. 3.0 book. In short, cardio sucks.

My article is featured above the logo: New Anabolic Fat-Blasting Diet!

It’s inefficient at best and counter-productive at worst.


The ever-popular M.A.N.S. carb-cycling diet. A version of this diet was also featured on bodybuilding.com and was one of the cover stories in the December 2009 Iron Man Magazine! Strange thing is, I didn’t even know I had been published in the magazine until someone else read it and congratulated me!

Like carbs too much to cycle them. You need the G.L.A.D. diet – build muscle and lean out like these 2 US soldiers.

Food! All killer MuscleHack recipes can be found HERE!


My guide to the Best Bodybuilding Supplements.

What is Creatine and how does it work?


Ever hear people say you’re genetics suck? Or ‘that guy is a genetic freak’? Find out what those genetic factors are here.

One of my favorite testimonials here!

Enjoy the articles and I’ll be back with you guys real soon!

And if you’re about to head to the gym remember to BREAK ALL RECORDS!


You'll love your fast gains on THT!

Cool! Click here to take you to the download page. (or check your email for the download link)

You'll love your fast gains on THT!

Cool! Click here to take you to the download page. (or check your email for the download link)