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MuscleHack Show Podcast 8 –  Skip La Cour Interview


Recently I had the biggest privilege yet since starting this whole MuscleHack journey – I got to sit down and interview one of my idols 🙂

That man is Skip La Cour. I tell you at the beginning of the show how I first came to know about Skip and why I admired him (and see show notes below).

Skip is a natural bodybuilding legend who shares his wisdom on training and self improvement We talk about training, different exercises, and what it takes to live a fulfilled life.




itunesListen on iTunes Here [uk iTunes here] (please do  leave a positive review and subscribe to the show, guys – thank you)

YouTube here (video also at the bottom of this post)    |     Stitcher here

Please share the podcast with others and on your social media. It would really help me out, guys 🙂

click here to hear @SkipLaCour 's thoughts on building muscle & finding happiness in life Share on X




Before I get into the show details. Here is where you’ll get Skip online. Follow him! His preferred place is facebook.

Skip’s Facebook | Skip’s main website | Skip on Twitter | Skip on Instagram



I start off by telling Skip that I first saw him on the cover of the AST magazine over 10 yrs ago in a supplement shop in my town. I took that magazine home, read it, and re-read it multiple times. His mindset, along with the Max-OT training principles really shaped my thinking early on.


I tell you guys all the time, that you can only maximize muscle fiber recruitment, metabolic stress, and muscle damage by taking a set to the last possible rep i.e. failure. I asked Skip for his thoughts as I saw him say this about what he calls “absolute failure”…

“Absolute failure basically means you don’t stop pumping-out repetitions during a particular set until all of your energy is used. In order to achieve absolute failure, you must keep on doing reps until your muscles literally fail, or feel like they’ve turned into a “wobbly pile of jelly…Absolute failure is an awesome feeling when training and one you should learn to enjoy. Training every set with this end goal in mind gives you that sense of satisfaction deep inside. Working every set until you simply can’t do any more reps gives you the confidence that you are using all of your energy to reach your ambitious bodybuilding goals.”

I personally train and recommend taking every set to “positive” failure – but there are times for absolute failure, too. To get my full workout at absolutely no cost, just click below.


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Both Skip and I have a huge interest in personal development and self-improvement. We discuss setting goals and achieving things in life.

Will having muscles and ripped abs really make us happy? If not, what should we do to find that ultimate fulfilment in life? Interesting stuff from a great mind here!


We finish off the podcast with me asking Skip for his favorite exercise for each body part. Starting from the delts/shoulders, and ending with the calves. Turns out Skip certainly prefers dumbbells over barbells.

You’ll notice all these exercises form part of my Targeted Hypertrophy Training program.

  • DELTS – Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press
  • BICEPS – Dumbbell Curls
  • TRICEPS – Cable Pushdowns
  • CHEST – Dumbbell Presses
  • ABS – Leg Lifts (with dumbbell between feet)
  • BACK – Bent Over Barbell Rows
  • LEGS OVERALL – Leg Presses (or whatever leg movement you can be passionate about)
  • CALVES – Seated Calf Raises
Click here for Skip La Cour's favorite exercises for each body part Share on X

Here’s the video interview. Enjoy! Subscribe to my YouTube here. Subscribe to Skip’s YouTube here.

Hope you enjoyed the show, guys! And thanks to Skip for the awesome experience!

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