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Join tens of thousands all over the world who are packing on slabs of muscle for free with Targeted Hypertrophy Training (THT)


* 100% FREE





(or click here for real before and after pics and more workout details)

I’m currently updating the free THT training package.

I’m making it simpler and easier to follow and understand for people.

When re-writing the section on the 10-week training cycles, I thought it’d be a good idea to share it here as a refresher.


Here’s how you’ll train on THT…


  • THT 3-Day Full-Body Workout for 10 weeks (8-12 rep range)

Take a week off training

  • THT 5-Day Split Workout for 10 weeks (8-12 rep range)

Take a week off training

  • THT 3-Day Full-Body Workout for 10 weeks (6-8 rep range)

Take a week off training

  • THT 5-Day Split Workout for 10 weeks (6-8 rep range)

Take a week off training

  • Now go back to the top: THT 3-day plan for 10 weeks in the 8-12 rep range.


Remember: If you want or need to change a certain exercise, simply refer to the THT Exercise Bank pdf file that comes with the free download for a suitable replacement.


Simply repeat this cycle over and over again while progressively getting more reps and using slightly heavier weights over time. This is the way to get bigger and stronger over time with absolute 100% certainty!

Any questions? Just ask me below. If you haven’t already, you can download the full training package and make gains like these guys…fast!

Mark McManus

5 star reviews! Get THT Training Totally Free Below 


Get Totally Shredded Fast

Get ripped at blistering speed without losing muscle and keep gaining in the gym. Also, you get your abs or you get your money back! That's the power of Mark's Total Six Pack Abs program. More details here.

Buff Baking Anabolic Cookbook

Extremely easy anabolic recipes with simple ingredients that makes fueling muscle growth feel like a cheat meal! Bars, cookies, pizza, ice cream...see pics and recipes here.

Advanced T.H.T. Training

A brand new workout including 9 x advanced "Shock & Awe" hypertrophy techniques to ignite pounds of new gains! It's "Game-Changing" time! Got at least 1yrs training experience? It may be time to go advanced! You've never trained like this before. Get all the details here.

Stay Shredded

Stay shredded all year – no more long cutting cycles. If you’ve ever gotten ripped abs only to lose them a few weeks later, you need to know the secrets of staying shredded without fasting and without giving up cheat meals. I’m ripped all year – you should be too! Details here.

Shoulder Blast Workout

In Jan 2019 a bunch of 'lab rats' tested the New Shoulder Blast Workout and gained up to 2.5 inches in shoulder size in 7-10 days! There is a very specific type of training stress that works uniquely well for the shoulders. You're about to target it...hard! More details here.

The Arm Blast Experiment

Gain up to an inch on your arms over the next week with new "hyper-intense" training techniques that literally force new arm growth. The workout is based on the results of an online study conducted by Mark from MuscleHack. More details here.

Chest Blast Workout

3 Workouts | 7 Days | Up to 3 inches in chest growth! A workout that will fry every muscle fiber in your pecs and literally force new and permanent! More details here.

The Leg Blast Workout

An explosive training package for fast leg gains! 1 week | 3 x 90 minute workouts | "hyper-intense" techniques = big & fast leg gains. Up to 3 inches in growth. See more details and testimonials here.


I highly recommend MyProtein for all your supplement needs.




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You'll love your fast gains on THT!

Cool! Click here to take you to the download page. (or check your email for the download link)