Why 5×5 Workouts Don’t Build Maximum Muscle
Many people doing the 5×5 workout come to me because they aren’t making any size gains. 5×5 is not a hypertrophy/growth workout. Here’s why it doesn’t build much muscle
The Six Pack Calculator. Input Your Stats Now!
You can now tell how long it’s going to take you to get a six-pack AUTOMATICALLY just by plugging in your stats into the following calculator!
How Much Protein is Needed to Build Muscle?
How much protein is enough for a ‘high protein diet’ to build muscle (2019). Use the following formula. Lean Mass Weight (Kg) x 2.75 = Daily Protein Requirement
The NEW Bodybuilding Diet – G.L.A.D.
Ready to build new slabs of MUSCLE without adding any body fat? This diet is the best bodybuilding diet you could possibly utilize for bulking. MAXIMIZE muscle
10 Easy Ways To Improve Your Posture
Don’t be a hunchback! Building your body is a great idea, slouching isn’t. (click here to download my full free muscle-building workout) You don’t need to look like a marine, but a straight spine radiates confidence and actually makes you feel better. This is because...
How Many Calories Per Day Do I Need To Build Muscle?
How Many Calories Per Day Do You Need To Build Muscle? Here is a precise formula to calculate how many calories you need for maximum muscle growth
10 Top Reasons You Need Broccoli In Your Diet
Want to get healthy or even lose weight? Broccoli needs to be included in your diet. Here’s 10 reasons why broccoli is great!
T.H.T. 3 Day Split Workout For Fast Gains
The Best 3 Day Workout Routine For building muscle. This 3-day split workout hits every muscle & stimulates maximum increases in size & strength
Top 30 Foods That Build Muscle
Here is a GREAT list of the Top 30 Foods that build muscle. Suitable for all types of diets – high carb, low-carb, vegetarian & vegan options too…
Should I Take Creatine On Off Days?
Should I Take Creatine On Off Days? Answer… people who ask this question have a misunderstanding of what creatine is and how it works. We simply want to max..
The Best Bodybuilding Diet Revealed
DON’T MISS THIS! This is the best bodybuilding diet for natural bodybuilders. Getting your bodybuilding diet plan right is absolutely crucial for your success!
When And How To Take Creatine
This is the definitive guide to maximally effective creatine supplementation. When and how to take creatine fully explained…