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Read this for better gains and quicker fat loss.

Myths abound in this game. There are so many clueless people giving their opinion who really have no idea what they’re talking about.

Problem is this: taking their advice could severely limit your gains…and wreck any chance there is of you getting a six-pack.

So read this. Pay attention. Your gains (and abs) depend on it!



(1) You Can “Out-work” A Bad Diet


Nope. You just can’t.  Let’s say you eat a chocolate bar at 300 Calories. So you assume that if you get on a treadmill later and burn 300 Calories, that evens everything up, right? Wrong.

All machines overestimate Calories burned. You didn’t burn 300 Calories – but higher numbers help sell treadmills and cross trainers.

Also, after a while your body compensates for Calories burned through exercise by slowing energy-utilization elsewhere in the body. The body is always finding ways to adapt and compensate. It will become more efficient in its energy usage to “make up” for the extra calories burned through exercise – so you simply won’t be creating as much of a deficit as you think. A bad diet cannot be “out-worked” with exercise.


(2) You Don’t Need To Diet – Just Exercise


Following on from point 1, it should be obvious that exercise alone simply cannot burn a lot of fat. In fact, cardio is the very least effective method for fat loss. It’s mostly about diet. In order of effectiveness, it goes like this:

(1) Diet

(2) Weight Training

(3) Cardio

This is how trainees on my Total Six Pack Abs program succeed so easily – the know exactly what they’re doing.


(3) ‘Total Volume’ Is More Important Than ‘High-Intensity’


Nope. Both intensity and volume matter. But intensity is the most important factor. The Total Volume is a number on a piece of paper and says absolutely nothing about whether or not growth has been stimulated. Triggering the body to adapt and grow is primarily about high-intensity (taking sets to failure)…then – and only then – will extra volume count towards growth.

You cannot make up for a lack of intensity with extra sets/volume. If you stop every set 2 reps before failure, you are simply training WITHIN your body’s existing capacity. Since your body can already handle what you’re doing, it has absolutely no reason to build more muscle mass – no matter how many sets you do.

For a more scientific explanation of why intensity trumps volume, see my article Total Volume vs Intensity.


If you want a REAL training program that will tell you how may reps to do, how many sets, the best exercises, and how often to train, grab my 100% free Targeted Hypertrophy Training program below…


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(4) Do Higher Reps When Cutting


Rubbish. There’s nothing magical about high reps that burns fat. Even when you’re cutting, you still train for hypertrophy/growth as normal.

Getting a cut look is about lowering your total body fat percentage with diet, and building the muscle tissue underneath. You then get that ripped look. It has nothing to do with a “special” high rep range.


(5) You Can “Tone” A Muscle


No you can’t. There’s no such thing as “toning”. You either build a muscle or you don’t. Just like I stated in point 4, the toned look is a combination of building muscle tissue and lowering your body fat percentage. “Toning” is a word manufactured by Personal Trainers to market to women.

There's no such thing as toning a muscle. You either build it or you don't Share on X


(6) More Protein = More Muscle


It’s totally true that without a sufficient amount of protein, you won’t make any gains. But beyond that sufficient level, any extra protein is simply converted to sugar in the body.

As I state in my most recent podcast, you might as well be eating extra carbs when you eat surplus protein (a process called gluconeogenesis).

Shoot for around 1g per pound body weight in protein. No more. No less. More on this here.

Take only 1g protein per pound bodyweight to build muscle. Extra protein will convert to sugar Share on X


(7) Stretch Before A Workout


Wrong. Warm up, but don’t stretch a muscle before strength training.

Stretching a muscle temporarily weakens it. It’s called “stretching induced force deficit”. If you want to stretch, do it AFTER training. More about his here.

Stretching Induced Force Deficit means stretching a muscle weakens it. So stretch AFTER training Share on X


(8) Always Use Free Weights – Never Machines


Despite the fact that all the biggest guys use machines, this particularly annoying myth is still prevalent in the bodybuilding world.

For optimal gains you should use BOTH free weights and machines. If you are wondering what benefit machines give, read my article ‘Should You Use Machines To Build Muscle‘. But in short…

“Machines force you to move the weight up and down along a set path of motion. This totally REMOVES the issue of stabilization from the exercise because the machine is stabilizing the load for you.

Without a portion of your strength being diverted away to the issue of stabilization, more of your strength and force is left to push against heavier loads (this is why you can always use heavier weights with machines).”


THT training will have you using free weights and machines for truly optimal gains.

If you’ve got questions or need help, just ask below 🙂

Mark McManus

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