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When I cut, I keep it simple. Taking in less calories is enough of a pain in the @ss, we don’t need to also be worrying about what to eat all the time.
I always tell people that once you know you cals and macros, you should develop a menu around that and eat the same thing every day. That’s what I do, and I know it’s what most other people do who have successfully reached shredded status.
Whether it’s boring or not is just not the issue. Whether it works is all that matters.

Me pretty lean – under 10% body fat
So here’s what I do…
I eat 4 times a day (sometimes 3)
I imagine my plate has 3 sections:
- Protein source
- Carb source
- Veggies
I will switch the protein source up between:
- Any white meat
- Any red meat
- Or eggs
I will vary the carb source between:
- Couscous
- Kidney beans
- Brown basmati rice
The veggies will be comprised of a combo of any 2 of the following 4:
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
- Sliced Peppers
- Green beans
And that’s about it. I eat the same thing over and over again.
All my meat is cooked in advance and waiting for me in the fridge. My carb sources are also cooked in advance. And I use frozen veggies, which are ready to eat after 5 mins in the microwave – so I can have any meal ready to go in a few minutes.
NOTE: I also made a list of my top 20 foods to eat to get ripped. You’ll find it extremely helpful. If you would like access to the full list for free, just type in your email below.
You don’t have to go to your email to click a confirm link; the info you need will appear immediately after you enter your email. Enjoy…
I stay pretty lean all year, so I don’t have to cut for more than 3 weeks at most (see my post How I Stay Lean All Year for more)
But in days gone by when it would take months, I would gradually reduce the size of the carb portion, reduce red meat and replace with white, drop dome yolks from the eggs, and use less butter or other high-fat sauces on the food. This is how I tapered my cals down over the weeks to ensure ongoing fat loss. I never stalled on a cut.
You MUST start with a higher carb and fat content and taper down over time. One of the main reasons most people fail is they start too low from the get-go and their metabolism crashes. They can’t lose any weight and they can’t reduce their calories any further without seriously starving themselves. For more on this, see my post: How To Never Stall Again.
If you’ve no idea on what your calories or macros should be, see my Total Six Pack Abs shredding system. It will also tell you how to train.
Questions? Comments? Ask me below or on the forum or facebook.
Keep it simple. Make life easy and eat the same thing. Results are MUCH more important than how “exciting” your food is.
If you don’t want to get shredded at the moment and just want size gains, download my free THT training routine here.
Mark McManus
Get Totally Shredded Fast
Get ripped at blistering speed without losing muscle and keep gaining in the gym. Also, you get your abs or you get your money back! That's the power of Mark's Total Six Pack Abs program. More details here.
Buff Baking Anabolic Cookbook
Extremely easy anabolic recipes with simple ingredients that makes fueling muscle growth feel like a cheat meal! Bars, cookies, pizza, ice cream...see pics and recipes here.
Advanced T.H.T. Training
A brand new workout including 9 x advanced "Shock & Awe" hypertrophy techniques to ignite pounds of new gains! It's "Game-Changing" time! Got at least 1yrs training experience? It may be time to go advanced! You've never trained like this before. Get all the details here.
Stay Shredded
Stay shredded all year – no more long cutting cycles. If you’ve ever gotten ripped abs only to lose them a few weeks later, you need to know the secrets of staying shredded without fasting and without giving up cheat meals. I’m ripped all year – you should be too! Details here.
Shoulder Blast Workout
In Jan 2019 a bunch of 'lab rats' tested the New Shoulder Blast Workout and gained up to 2.5 inches in shoulder size in 7-10 days! There is a very specific type of training stress that works uniquely well for the shoulders. You're about to target it...hard! More details here.
The Arm Blast Experiment
Gain up to an inch on your arms over the next week with new "hyper-intense" training techniques that literally force new arm growth. The workout is based on the results of an online study conducted by Mark from MuscleHack. More details here.
Chest Blast Workout
3 Workouts | 7 Days | Up to 3 inches in chest growth! A workout that will fry every muscle fiber in your pecs and literally force new and permanent growth...fast! More details here.
The Leg Blast Workout
An explosive training package for fast leg gains! 1 week | 3 x 90 minute workouts | "hyper-intense" techniques = big & fast leg gains. Up to 3 inches in growth. See more details and testimonials here.
I highly recommend MyProtein for all your supplement needs.
- I also recommend to US readers this Optimum Nutrition whey (and here's a low-carb whey)
- And this quality, inexpensive creatine ~ Mark McManus
Very useful. I hadn’t considered cous cous or kidney beans before.
Great post Mark. After too many long cuts of 10kg or so, I never want to get like that again. I would rather just stay lean, in reality it’s not a 3 week cut though.
I seem to ruin myself on holidays, drinking a lot of beer and eating too much shit, every night.
Oh well, YOLO.
what about protein shakes post workout? do you consider that a meal or do you skip shakes when cutting?
@Joey. I consider a shake as a meal
@Jimmy. Yep. Totally not worth it. Staying lean all the time is much much better.
Hi mark, I dropped my kcal’s & carbs just over a week ago, How long should I wait to drop them down further?