THT-training-quick-start-guideI know you want to gain as much muscle as possible, as quickly as possible.

It just so happens that Targeted Hypertrophy Training (THT) is the way to do it (clue is in the name 😉  )

So to get you training properly as quickly as possible, I’ve put together this Quick Start Guide. Read through the following few bullet-points and you’ll be fast-tracked to the best gains of your life!

If you haven’t already got THT, grab it right now below – it’s free…

Note: There are 2 training cycles in THT. A 3-day routine to be carried out for 10 weeks. Then a 5-day plan to be carried out for 10 weeks. Let’s start with the 3-day full-body training routine (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday).


T.H.T. QUICK START GUIDE – 3 Day Routine

bullet There are 19 total sets per workout (Monday and Friday) and 17 sets on Wednesdays.

bullet You’ll do this workout 3 days per week (with a full day of rest between workouts). Most people do Mon, Wed, Fri.

bullet You’ll hit each body part with 2 sets each (with just 1 set for forearms).

bullet Work in the 8-12 reps-per-set range

bullet Take each set to positive failure because the necessary stimulation to force adaptation (growth) occurs in the last rep(s) of a set.

bullet Positive failure is defined as that point in a set when you can no longer complete a full positive/lifting/raising of the rep without assistance.

bullet Train in the exact order of exercises listed (this is important)

bullet Take 2-3 minutes rest between each set

bullet Write down and record the weight you used for each and every set (get the free logs or use the MuscleHack app to track your workouts)

bullet Write down and record the number of reps you hammered out for each and every set

bullet If you get more than 12 reps on any set, use a heavier weight for that particular set on your next workout – and use the smallest increase you possibly can (small increases over time produce the BEST results).

bullet This ensures that over time you achieve progressive overload – one of the fundamental keys of building muscle.

bullet After 10 weeks, take a week off and then go on to the 5-day per week training plan.

bullet Remember – keep striving to do more reps with ever-increasing weights.

And always…



T.H.T. QUICK START GUIDE – 5 Day Routine

bullet You’ll hit each body part directly once per week with a maximum of 8 sets each

bullet You’ll train 1-2 body parts per day, 5 days per week (most people do Monday-Friday)

bullet Use the exact order of days, and the exact order of exercises. This has all be carefully planned out for maximum effectiveness.

bullet Work in the 8-12 rep range

bullet Take each set to positive failure because the necessary stimulation to force adaptation (growth) occurs in the last rep(s) of a set.

bullet Take 2-3 minutes rest between each set

bullet Write down and record the weight you used for each and every set (get the free logs or use the MuscleHack app to track your workouts)

bullet Write down and record the number of reps you hammered out for each and every set

bullet If you get more than 12 reps on any set, use a heavier weight for that particular set on your next workout – and use the smallest increase you possibly can (small increases over time produce the BEST results).

bullet This ensures that over time you achieve Progressive Overload – one of the fundamental keys of building muscle.

bullet After 10 weeks, take a week off before proceeding to the 3-day per week training plan.

bullet Remember – keep striving to do more reps with ever-increasing weights.

And always…



That’s really everything you need to do in a nutshell to stimulate muscle growth. You’ll love not only the effectiveness of THT, but the simplicity and logic behind it.

Like people who “yo-yo diet”, most trainees are on yo-yo weight-training programs. You ask them every few weeks how their training is going and you get something like this back, “I’m trying that XX program now, I’ll see how it goes”.

Not to sound over-dramatic, but THAT MAKES ME WANT TO TEAR MY & HIS HAIR OUT! All lol’ing aside, there are fundamental scientific principles that lead to muscle growth and hopping from 1 training program to another is flat-out counter-productive.

If a program embraces all the correct principles, then it is OPTIMALLY effective, and nothing else is required. I claim that THT is that program. See the results these THT’ers got for proof.

A lot of other training systems are simply without sound and scientific principles. The result is sub-optimal results and one frustrated trainee who hops from routine to routine.

Read this quick-start guide, download THT and discover the finer details. It’s my promise that you will experience better gains than anything else you’ve ever tried.

Train With Intensity!


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You'll love your fast gains on THT!

Cool! Click here to take you to the download page. (or check your email for the download link)