These 12 foods will promote an anabolic environment in your body, or in simple terms – help you build muscle fast!

Couple them with free THT training to be certain you are building muscle as fast possible.

You can bust your butt in the gym and build no muscle whatsoever if you’re not getting enough protein and your diet sucks. I eat these 12 items ALL THE DAMN TIME lol. I list them in no particular order.

They’re a great source of protein, carbs, and fats. They’ll make sure that when you add mass, it’s the right kind of mass!



(1) Whey


With its superior amino acid profile and bio-availability, it is the best source of protein on the planet for building muscle. Best taken during and/or after training – shoot for 40g protein from whey after training.

[My recommended UK & European protein | Recommended US protein]

(2) Eggs


Only second to whey in terms of bio-availability – and that’s for whole eggs, not just egg whites. It’s the best “whole food” protein on the planet. See my post here on why you should eat at least some of those yolks!

(3) Tuna


Tuna is a staple in the bodybuilder’s diet. And for good reason. It’s basically a “protein-only” food, so it works with any diet and its up there near the top in terms of bio-availability score. See my cool little “Tuna Burger Patty” recipe. I love them when I’m getting shredded.

(4) Oats


A carb that has a decent amount of protein, is low in Glycemic Index, and is very low in sugar content – a great carb for building muscle. I like to add some chocolate whey for chocolate flavor “proats” – delicious.

Guys, if you want my free diet that takes all the foods on this list into account as well as telling you how many calories and protein to eat per day to build muscle, pop your details in below.

You don’t have to go to your email to click a confirm link or anything like that; the info will appear immediately after you enter your email. Enjoy them gains! 🙂


(5) Beef


A superior protein source. Fat in your diet is also required for optimal testosterone production – you just won’t build much muscle at all if your testosterone levels are suppressed. See my top 5 reasons to eat red meat here.

(6) Broccoli


Actually, all fibrous and salad veggies are great, but broccoli is king in my opinion. Broccoli contains more vitamin C than an orange, is a great source of iron, reduces risk of heart disease and much more. I have 10 reasons you should eat broccoli here.

(7) Cottage Cheese


Cottage cheese is a slow-releasing protein. As such, many people take it before bedtime. You can also make a killer protein pancake with it.

(8) Kidney Beans


I’ve fallen in love with kidney beans over the last few months. I get the cheap Tesco Everyday Value tins – Only 30p per tin!

Although they are seen mostly as a carb source, they’re also a great source of protein. 8g protein per 100g. A tesco 250g tin will deliver 19g protein before you add your protein source to the plate!

(9) Chicken and Turkey


Another staple. These are lean protein sources. I put these items together as I tend to think of them as the same kinda food. They’re about 1/4 protein content per weight. So 100g will give you about 25g protein.

In fact, pretty much all meat and fish is about the same – 25g protein per 100g. It’s a good rule of thumb to keep in your head.

A good rule of thumb is that meat and fish is generally 25% protein content. 100g = 25g protein Share on X


(10) Rye Kernel (Pumpernickel) Bread


As far as bread choices go, this is as good as it gets!

There’s about 6g protein per 100g and a lot of fiber in there. It therefore has a small impact on blood sugar.

(11) Quinoa


Not enough lifters are eating quinoa. It’s a great carb! Get on it!

Like the pumpernickel bread above, it’s got a low GI and 4g protein per 100g – not bad. It’s sometimes called a “supergrain” because of its range of health benefits.

(12) Greek Yogurt


You just can’t go wrong here. Very high in quality protein, and all you gotta do is add some sweetener and berries and you’ve got a bowl of awesomeness – especially when craving dessert! Check out my 35g protein dessert here using Natural Greek Yogurt.

Click here for a list of 12 foods that promote muscle growth Share on X


P.S. If you’d like easy-to-make protein-packed recipes to fuel your muscle growth, check out MuscleHack Buff Baking. There’s pancakes, peanut butter cookies, ice cream, “strong man’s” sausage bake, chocolate cake, “popcorn” chicken and many more!

So, I hope that helps. Are there staples in your diet that I have missed? Do you love peanut butter? Quark? What are your fav muscle foods? Let me know below…

Mark McManus

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