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So on Saturday I finally found the new Mars and Snickers protein bars in a local supplement shop.

I picked up 1 of each (as well as a bottle of Walden farms calorie-free strawberry syrup).

The taste? I have to say they taste good. And they taste a lot like regular mars and snickers bars.

But the protein blends suck! These aren’t good bars for promoting muscle growth, guys.

  • The largest source of protein in the mars bar is Hydrolysed Collagen.
  • The largest source of protein the snickers bar is soy protein. See here for more on the “crappiness” of soy.

Fact is, you’re better off with a Quest bar.

Or if you’re in my neck of the woods, a Tesco or Asda own brand protein bar. They’re mostly high-quality whey and milk protein.

Bottom Line: You might want to try these once for the novelty factor. Apart from that…AVOID.

Click here for a review of the new Snickers & Mars protein bars Share on X


Mark McManus

5 star reviews! Get THT Training Totally Free Below 


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