When you know how to do it the fastest way possible, getting ripped just isn’t that hard.
So far I’ve had six-pack testimonials from mothers in their 40’s, wrestlers, NPC competitors, students, ectomorphs, endomorphs…basically men and women of all ages, ethnicities, nationalities, and body types.
But this is the first doctor.
Nakul Katyal is a doctor at the University of California Irvine Medical Center. This is his facebook profile (his insta here)
Check out his testimonial below. He got in touch with me on Instagram. You can follow me on Instagram here.
Nakul said, “I bought your TSPA in February and the results were outstanding!” You are a genius, my brother. Thank you so much for your guidance.”
You can see more of my six-pack testimonials here.
Do you know how to get a six-pack at record speed?
- Do you know how many calories to eat?
- How much protein, carbs, and fat is optimal?
- How to train?
- How to make sure you don’t lose muscle?
- How to prevent “stalling” and keep losing fat every week?
Once you know, you’re all set and success is just a matter of time.
In fact, on this page I have a calculator that will tell you how long it will take you to get a six-pack on the same system that Nakul used.
I’m also so confident about this system that I offer a money-back guarantee for a full 8-weeks. So you’ve more than enough time to test how well it works – and if it doesn’t live up to the promise – you can get a full refund. There’s no financial risk on you part.
If you’ve any questions about your training or diet, ask me below and I’ll help you out.
Your buddy.
Mark McManus
5 star reviews! Get THT Training Totally Free Below
P.S. Yesterday, I published a little post on how to even up your arm size if you have one-arm bigger than the other.
Get Totally Shredded Fast
Get ripped at blistering speed without losing muscle and keep gaining in the gym. Also, you get your abs or you get your money back! That's the power of Mark's Total Six Pack Abs program. More details here.
Buff Baking Anabolic Cookbook
Extremely easy anabolic recipes with simple ingredients that makes fueling muscle growth feel like a cheat meal! Bars, cookies, pizza, ice cream...see pics and recipes here.
Advanced T.H.T. Training
A brand new workout including 9 x advanced "Shock & Awe" hypertrophy techniques to ignite pounds of new gains! It's "Game-Changing" time! Got at least 1yrs training experience? It may be time to go advanced! You've never trained like this before. Get all the details here.
Stay Shredded
Stay shredded all year – no more long cutting cycles. If you’ve ever gotten ripped abs only to lose them a few weeks later, you need to know the secrets of staying shredded without fasting and without giving up cheat meals. I’m ripped all year – you should be too! Details here.
Shoulder Blast Workout
In Jan 2019 a bunch of 'lab rats' tested the New Shoulder Blast Workout and gained up to 2.5 inches in shoulder size in 7-10 days! There is a very specific type of training stress that works uniquely well for the shoulders. You're about to target it...hard! More details here.
The Arm Blast Experiment
Gain up to an inch on your arms over the next week with new "hyper-intense" training techniques that literally force new arm growth. The workout is based on the results of an online study conducted by Mark from MuscleHack. More details here.
Chest Blast Workout
3 Workouts | 7 Days | Up to 3 inches in chest growth! A workout that will fry every muscle fiber in your pecs and literally force new and permanent growth...fast! More details here.
The Leg Blast Workout
An explosive training package for fast leg gains! 1 week | 3 x 90 minute workouts | "hyper-intense" techniques = big & fast leg gains. Up to 3 inches in growth. See more details and testimonials here.
I highly recommend MyProtein for all your supplement needs.
- I also recommend to US readers this Optimum Nutrition whey (and here's a low-carb whey)
- And this quality, inexpensive creatine ~ Mark McManus
I just had a look at the other testimonials. Impressed with the number of women there. Usually these sites are only for men.
@Sarah. I’m actually starting to get more testimonials from women than men these days – especially for my fat-loss plan Total Six Pack Abs.
Hi Mark, I’ve been on a low carb diet plan for the past 4 weeks. Would I need to go back to a carb loaded diet for a short period before starting TSPA to reap the full benefits of your program?
@Steve. Not necessarily, buddy. It would depend on your caloric intake. If it’s maintenance or above, then you can go straight on to TSPA.
If you’re low in calories, I’d advise you eat at maintenance level for a week before starting on TSPA.
Hope that helps.
I purchased TSPA back in 2011. I still have the payment info in my email history.
Unfortunately, life got in the way and I never followed through with it. I’ve started T.H.T. and want to give TSPA a shot. Is there any way I can download it again?
I tried to use my order number on ClickBank but it was no longer good.
Hello @Mark. I was reading some of Musclehack archives(which I love to do always) and came across the article “How to gain muscle and loose fat at the same time”. In that you’ve stated the importance of MANS diet.
My question is- I am on GLAD diet. So can we reduce the needed carbs in our diet by 5-15 gms and keeping the fat content same or increase slightly to meet RDI of cals
By doing this, our body will use the fat storage to replenish its carb need(due to the reduction of carbs slightly) and the fat storage will be reduced slightly. What’s your take in it Mark? Can we do this?
P.S – The protein content will not be reduced to prevent loss of muscles.
I started TSPA at age 61 hoping to lose fat and decrease my love handles. I’m 5’10” tall. My starting weight was 192 at 19% body fat. After one year of following the program (except for the rare special occasion such as Thanksgiving) I lost 10 lbs and body fat was down to 17%. So while there were results, they were very modest, not at the “guaranteed” level, and the love handles are in full force. I can understand weight loss being modest if fat is being replaced by muscle. But that was not the case here as I only lost 2% body fat.
I bought TSPA but do not have any type of pulley system at home, have a smith, dumbells, free weights, and noticed your system has pulley movements in it. While there is a list of substitute exercises I am not sure which exercises are the best ones to substitute for the individual pulley ones. Do you have any more info/guidance on a one for one exchange? Thx!
@Joshua. If you leave me a Clickbank order number and email address, I can send you another download link.
@Abhilash. No that will not work. Both my MANS and GLAD diets are for “lean gains”. They don’t promote fat loss.
@Tom. If you have the THT exercise bank, then any exercise in the same box as a pulley exercise is a suitable substitute. Pick one of them and use it for the duration of your cut.
Many thanks.