I get this question all the time. It’s actually quite simple, so I’ll clear it up once and for all here.

I already have a FREE calculator that will tell you:

 How Much Protein To Build Muscle

 How Many Calories To Build Muscle

Here is the online version of the calculator. You can also download the free program here – I’m so good to you guys 😉

On The MANS Diet you eat a low-carb diet for 5 and a half days a week.

That’s 30g net carbs per day.

There are 4 Calories in a gram of carbohydrate so that’s 120 Calories.

So here’s what to do…

(1) Calculate how many total Calories you need per day to build muscle

(2) Calculate how many protein Calories you need per day. There are 4 Calories in a gram of protein so multiply your gram figure by 4 to get this

(3) Subtract your protein Calories (2) from the total figure (1)

(4) Subtract your Carb Calories (120 Calories) from the answer to step 3

The figure you are left with is the Fat Calories you need per day.

There are 9 Calories in a gram of fat, so to covert this to grams, divide this figure by 9.

Now you have how many grams of protein, carbs, and fat you need for the low-carb portion of the MANS diet. Easy!

Scared of eating fat? You shouldn’t be.

And you definitely shouldn’t be concerned about fat consumption when your carbs are low.

I’ve covered it to death on this blog. Here’s some links to previous articles if you want to know why fat is good and healthy on a low-carb diet.

Saturated Fat: Not Guilty As Charged!

 The Saturated Fat & Cholesterol Myth Destroyed!

 Is The Atkins Diet Safe? The Answer May Shock You!

 Will A Low Carb Diet Raise Or Lower Cholesterol?

 Top 5 Reasons To Eat Red Meat

Enjoy Your Steak, Guys! 😀


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