If you would like:

  • Increased Muscle Size
  • Better Workout Performance
  • Faster Recovery

…then you should be supplementing with creatine.

I know a lot of you still don’t (or won’t) take it. I believe this is a mistake; creatine works AND it has been proven to be safe time and time again.

How Does Creatine Work?

So, here’s the science behind why it works….

(1) Creatine basically supplies the body’s muscles with energy, 95% of which can be found in muscle tissue

(2) The body stores creatine as creatine phosphate

(3) Contracting a muscle ‘uses up’ your creatine reserves as ATP is broken down to ADP. That’s Adenosine TriPhosphate to Adenosine DiPhosphate. Tri to Di – 3 down to 2; 1 phosphate bond is lost, this provides the energy.

(4) Supplementing with creatine increases the muscle’s reserves of creatine allowing you to complete more reps, lift heavier and get BIGGER.

It’s not hard to see why creatine is the world’s most popular bodybuilding supplement.

Creatine is a natural compound and is found in high concentrations in red meat. I would therefore especially recommend it if you are a vegetarian or vegan bodybuilder.

Even if you’re not, the bottom line is this…..


(To see which type of creatine really is the BEST, read this article).

Your Buddy!

Mark McManus

P.S. If you’re in the UK and want a HIGH quality creatine, you can get an awesome creapure micronized creatine monohydrate here!)

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