There’s an incredibly easy way to increase insulin-like growth factor and you can do it right now!

IGF-1 is similar in structure to insulin (hence the name) and has potent ANABOLIC effects. It:

  • Transports amino acids (building blocks of protein)
  • Increases Protein Synthesis just like growth hormone
  • Prevents muscle breakdown

Sounds good!

Now if I were to tell you that you could increase IGF-1 expression within muscle by 30% while lying on the couch, would you be interested?

Of course you would! 😉

OK, so here’s how it’s done:

Supplement With Creatine Monohydrate!

Research has shown that after loading with creatine, muscle biopsies revealed a 30% increase in expression of mRNA for IGF-I in RESTING muscle.

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: May 2005 - Volume 37 - Issue 5 - pp 731-736

The body is therefore in a more anabolic environment after you’ve increased muscle creatine levels by supplementing with creatine. This means that you have an increased capacity for muscle growth while lying on the couch watching TV – Result!

Although I’ve talked about and experimented with a very different method of creatine loading, it was no more effective than the regular 5-day loading technique traditionally prescribed.

Another important factor is the type of creatine you use. For a variety of reasons, I’ve previously blogged about the fact that regular old creatine monohydrate is the most potent form in terms of anabolic effects.

If you’re new to the game and want to know what creatine is and how it works, go here.

So if you want:

  • Muscle Cell Volumization
  • Increased Protein Synthesis
  • Better Workout Performance

…Get yourself some creatine! A Creapure Creatine Mono comes highly recommended.

And before someone asks, yes it’s safe!

Stay Motivated!


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