There is EXTREMELY important information in this article that will greatly impact how you train and WILL improve your results beyond a shadow of a doubt! I’m making a big promise here so make sure you read this one, all of it.
What I’m about to explain goes to the core of how to build muscle.
Understanding it and applying it will change how you workout FOREVER.
It is universally accepted that in order to produce muscle growth we need to recruit as many muscle fibers (motor units) as possible and stimulate them to grow. We therefore need to understand just HOW to do this.
With this in mind I have identified the following 2 factors as requisites for achieving this end:
- The best exercise for any body part is the one that works in harmony with the FUNCTION of that muscle
- This exercise must also involve maximal (or at least good) RESISTANCE at the peak contraction point of the movement
Simply put, each exercise must load the muscle along the path of its function AND place effective resistance on that muscle in its fully contracted position. If we employ such exercises we can be sure that we have involved the maximum number of muscle fibers and stimulated as much growth as possible.
It is important to understand this: It is ONLY when the above conditions are met that you can trigger the body’s growth mechanism maximally for any given muscle.
In my last article I shot a video showing the best bicep exercise for growth (I’ve already gotten emails from readers who implemented straight away and are LOVING it).
In that article I stated that the cable preacher curl produced really effective resistance at the peak contraction point of this movement. I also advised that you should pause briefly in this position before starting a slow negative phase of the movement. If you’ve read any of my other work, you’ll already know to train to failure.
I got the following question from someone after the article was posted…
“You said to use a straight bar in the article. Why can’t I just use the curl bar? What’s the difference?”
That’s a good question and the answer is very important.
Remember above I said that each exercise must work in harmony with the muscle’s FUNCTION as well as providing resistance in the required position.
Most people probably don’t realize that the biceps serve 2 functions. They are:
- To supinate the hand
- Elbow flexion i.e. raising the forearm up towards the upper arm
Supinating the hand is actually the primary function of the biceps. It therefore follows that the hand must be in the fully supinated position (palm facing up) to fully contract the bicep.
Test it yourself now…
- Raise your forearm so that it is at a right angle to your humerus (upper arm bone).
- Place the hand from your other arm on the bicep you are about to flex.
- Now turn your hand from a pronated position (palms facing down) to a fully supinated one. Feel how to bicep starts to contract and ONLY reaches a position of FULL contraction when the hand is fully supinated.
Having the hand in a more pronated position, as with EZ bar curls, does not allow the bicep to be fully contacted even with a heavy weight, and even at the top of the movement. It therefore doesn’t maximize muscle fiber recruitment.
Using a straight bar to perform cable preacher curls is THE way to meet the 2 criteria listed above and maximize growth stimulation.
If you are currently using EZ bar curls as part of your bicep routine, I recommend that you switch to cable preacher curls from now on.
Now, if I were to go into each body part and state what the best exercise for each is and then explain how to do it, this article would be thousands upon thousands of words long.
Instead what I’ll do is create a series of articles to go through this with you. I’ll explain:
- the function(s) of the muscle involved
- what exercise can accommodate this and provide resistance at the peak contraction point
- how to do this exercise correctly
If you’re someone who dislikes the feeling of high intensity workouts, training to failure, lactic acid build up, delayed-onset-muscle-soreness (DOMS), and so on, you’re going to HATE it.
If you’re someone who is willing to do what it takes to ENSURE muscle growth, you’re going to absolutely LOVE it, and your results! The series will be rolled out during the coming weeks.
Your Buddy,
Great article again, Mark. Can’t wait for the series. I too put the cable preachers into my bi workout yesterday, and was really pumped. the DOMS is just starting to kick in now! Thanks for all you do.
Isn’t this straight out of “High Intensity Training the Mike Mentntzer Way”, from 2003? You’re claiming that you’ve developed this system, Mark, but it sounds very famiiar. After all the good things you’ve done on this site, I hope you will not take credit for the philosophies of MM, and ultimately, Arthur Jones. Please do not sacrifice your creibility that way.
@Kyle. @Kyle. Certainly not. You’re right, I think I would sacrificing my credibility if I did such a thing. However, Mentzer, Jones, McGuff, John Little, Darden, were all part of the research since summer last year. However, the ‘Arm Blast Experiment’, and the whole-body routine I have developed is my own and is unique. However, I have stated before that it is indeed a high-intensity protocol (of sorts). The book you mention to my knowledge doesn’t mention at all working a muscle group in harmony with its function, nor list exercises for max resistance at the peak contraction point.
When doing the bicep workout with the cable preacher curl, can I do it standing up at the cable machine if I can not drag a preacher curl bench over?
I loved this one! It left me anxious for the series of articles!!! I can’t wait to learn the function and right resistance for each body part!!
By the way, I’ll be one of those who will LOVE it!!!
Thanks for everything Mark!
Cheers from Mexico
Hi Mark
Makes sense so it’s bye bye EZ bar… hello straight bar.
Sticking with the supination theme “Supinating the hand is actually the primary function of the biceps” shouldn’t we all be doing dumbbell curls and supinating at the same time.
It’s long been a classic exercise.
Makes sense what you are saying Mark, love the artical. Always a hater near by. Any how good luck to all who are going to do your training sessions.
Hey Mark, your article was very interesting and informative. I’m new to your website, but am already looking forward to reading all the other articles. Meanwhile, I completely agree with your two factors here to stimulate good muscle growth: exercise working in harmony with function of the muscle, and exercise using maximal resistance at peak. Since I have incorporated this in my workout routine I see good gains. And I am definitely going to use the cable preacher curl using the bench…a great tip from you indeed! Thanks, and looking forward to new infos from you.
i wanna hear the answer to rob’s question
thanx for all the help mark
I order some books abs and core would like to know when they will arrive. thank you
Mark, thanks for taking the time to respond to my comment. I apologize for getting a bit “dickish”, but as I’ve said before I really think you do great job on this site,and have the utmost respect for you. As soon as I put “faith” in strangers with great ideas, I also put a healthy dose of suspiscion. I’m too used to people “pulling a fast one” on us iron novices. Keep up the good work, and I wll continue to direct people to your site. Have a great day.
@Rob. Good question. This is ok but you must stand back a few feet from the pulley as too steep an angle will not have the desired affect at the peak contraction point.
@David @Robert @Vishtasp @Omar. Thanks very much 🙂
@Maverick. I’m assuming you ordered books from Amazon by clicking through one of the links on this page? If so you need to contact Amazon about that.
@Kyle. No worries mate. I totally understand that, especially in the bodybuilding world.
@Keith Davis. No, but this is an easy mistake to make (I even heard a pro bodybuilder say it once but he was/is completely wrong). If the function is to supinate the hand, this simply means that we can only achieve a maximal contraction with the hand in the fully supinated position – and max fibers will be recruited. To interpret this to mean that we should incorporate the PROCESS of supinating the hand from a pronated, or semi-pronated, position during a curl is incorrect. Good observation though man.
thanks, great article mark. i too incorporated cable preachers in my biceps workout and the biceps really got pumped up hard.
iv heard a lot about using light weights with more repetitions in order to pump up ur muscles( say about 25 repetitions least for each set done). I wanna know if the fact is true, does the light weight enhances your muscle growth more?
hey mark, quick question about the biceps exercise. i’m a bit confused because you said that optimal results occur in the “fully contracted position”. however, you are recommending to only do the curl to a 90 degree angle. this is obviously not a fully contracted position for the biceps. what am i missing? thanks man.
Yo Mark
I’m the troubled guy from the previous post who was asking ya about training at home. Yeah, I was asking about training without weights and the most efficient way to do so.Plus the kind of diet that compliments it perfectly. Please dont redirect me to another website to learn about training without weights…..I wanna hear about it from you.
Listen man, I know that I wont be able to achieve the He-Man kinda physique by training without weights or by not going to a gym. I also know that most of the stuff that you write about is done using proper gym equipment….So my question is a bit off the track here….But still I can make transfrom my pathetic physique into a fairly respectable one with some of your help. I kow that this is like consulting a doctor without paying the fees but……..
Oh…and what kinda eggs should I take? Boiled or scrambled? Whats the difference?
As always, Mark, you offer great information that is practical. One piece of equipment that allows the bicep to perform all its functions is the SupraBar Cable Curl Bar. For people that have tight extensors and flexors, this bar with its unique mini bars will allow a more natural and comfortable means of achieving maximum bicep function without the “wrist-hurt”. Anyway here’s a link for you readers:
Mark, Excellent pont regarding contraction and supination and consistent with Dave Drapers tip on dumbell curls, keeping the wrist a little outward with the pinky higher than the other fingers is better.
Thanks for post… realy nice info.
can you sugest any good exercice for back and shoulders? Actually i make lots of Pull-ups and Arnold Press.
Thanks and good luck with new clients
great article once again mark..
in your book ‘total anabolism’ you have mentioned ez-curls as a good exercise to build biceps,seems like you have changed your opinion on biceps are small when compared to the rest of my body muscles.can you please suggest me a good workout routine for my biceps,as dragging the preacher bench seems not so possible in my gym.
cant wait for the series,
thanking you in advance,
Mark, you have an amazing site!
I’ve been lifting for 5 months, and I’ve made ok gains. I found your site a little over a month ago and WOW, what a difference after starting Total Anabolism 2.
I incorporated the bicep cable cur for the first time, instead of ez curls. In the past I’ve had trouble getting the “burn” and total stimulation from my bicep routine, until today. I can’t wait for more!!!
How about also incorporating a single arm bicep cable curl to focus on balancing strength on each arm? Would you recommend this?