The Single Best Way To Train For Size Gains

THT has been specifically designed by a world-renowned trainer to add size gains fast. It’s powerful and it’s FREE 🙂


Y’all know I’m a “GLADiator” i.e. I do my GLAD “Lean Gains” diet for most of the year to pack on muscle without adding body fat (Glycemic Load Anabolic Diet).

I was asked recently what I eat as a post-workout meal. So today I’ll tell you about my standard “go to” meal after an intense THT workout.

By the way, this is the meal that comes AFTER your post-workout shake. This does not replace your post-workout shake, it comes after that:

  • Train.
  • Shake immediately after (update: I now drink this during my workouts – read this)
  • This meal any time within 3 hours of finishing the workout.

TheCover164TopPostsBefore we get into the meal, make sure that if you want to make serious muscle gains, you have downloaded my free THT training package right now. THT is life-changing! Learn more about free THT training here.


For me, I keep it simple. I can meet all my post-workout needs pretty easily.


My Post-Workout Meal


This is what I like to have a lot of days:

(1) Few scoops of frozen veg (consisting of broccoli, carrots, peas, cauliflower)

(2) Couscous

(3) Butter (real natural butter, NOT margarine)

(4) Chicken (or any meat basically)

post-workout meal

Remember that most meats are roughly 1/4 protein by weight. So to get 30g protein, you’d need about 120g chicken.

Most meats & fish are 1/4 protein by weight. So to get 30g protein, you'd need about 120g chicken Share on X


I absolutely LOVE couscous with butter melted into it! One of my favorites.

By the way, this is FAST food. It takes me 5 minutes maximum to whip this up.

So if you want something nutritious, fast and easy, try this out after your next workout.

I said above that I typically have this meal within 3 hours of finishing my workout and having my post-workout shake. For your information, I take 40g protein in the form of whey at this time.

A good rule of thumb for post-workout whey protein is 40g to kickstart recovery & growth Share on X

For my formula of how much protein you should take in your post (or intra) workout shake, see this article. But a good rule of thumb for everyone is ~40g.



For my recommended sources of high-quality whey proteins, read this…

And I recommend this Creatine:

NOTE: It makes no difference if you’re cutting or bulking. This is all the protein your body needs and can use in this period. No extra (or no less) is needed.

I hope this helps. And if you have any more suggestions, or even questions about your training, get in touch with me below. I’m always happy to help.

And also add me on social media here…

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And if you have any other ideas for post-workout meals, please share them with me below 😀

Click here to see what you should eat as a post-workout meal to fuel muscle growth Share on X


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You'll love your fast gains on THT!

Cool! Click here to take you to the download page. (or check your email for the download link)