Mark, what do you think of supplement X?”
“Is supplement Y effective?”
“Mark, what are the best bodybuilding supplements?”

Regular readers of this site will know that my supplement routine is quite modest. The majority of the time, the only actual bodybuilding supplements I take are:

  1. Whey Protein Isolate
  2. Micronized Creatine Monohydrate
  3. L-Glutamine

Also, I only take these once a day (for the most part) as a post workout cocktail.

Now, I also have a little morning supplementation consisting of:

  1. Fish Oil capsules
  2. Magnesium or ZMA
    (whichever I have at the time)
  3. Multivitamin

That’s all folks!

(UPDATE: I now HIGHLY recommend MyProtein for all my UK and European readers. Their prices are up to 80% cheaper, and they have the best quality supplements in Europe. MyProtein is also where I get my own supplements.)

I have the above with my breakfast and my shake immediately after working out; everything else is food. (As a side note, I have started taking 100mg of caffeine pre-workout for an insanely cheap-but-very-effective buzz. Read more about that here.)

An important note here is that my supplementation increases when cutting. I get into ‘cutting’ supplementation in Total Six Pack Abs. A quick example from the book is Calcium; this incredibly cheap supplement will increase fat loss with a 3 x 600mg dosing strategy.

So supplementation increases when cutting, but this is understandable. We want to help the body burn fat while maintaining or building muscle as far as possible. Diet and cardio do most of the work, but I see aiding the fat-loss process as a healthy and sensible exercise.

So there you have it, guys. A modest supplementation routine works best. Use what works and leave the rest. Trust me, if a supplement comes on the market that does live up to the hype, we will all know about very quickly.

Train Effectively | Eat Intelligently | Supplement Wisely

…and do all the above CONSISTENTLY

Your buddy,

Mark McManus

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