I wanted to share this little video with you.

I believe it’s from 2008 when the results of a study on 3 diets had just been published.

The diets were:

  1. Low Carb
  2. Low Fat
  3. Mediterranean

The clip is from Good Morning America (I think).

I’m not offering this clip as proof of anything (I didn’t think the study was that great). It’s simply something interesting to watch. I’ve covered the effectiveness and safety of low-carb nutrition already on this blog and plan on doing more in the future. Stay tuned!

Of note is the girl’s quote at 27-30 seconds. Watch it first and I’ll tell you why I thought it was interesting.

So the quote I was talking about above was “Low-fat, ‘cuz you need carbs“. The girl was asked which of the 3 diets she would do.

The truth is that protein is ESSENTIAL. There are of course ESSENTIAL fatty acids. And carbs…….they’re not ESSENTIAL. Carbohydrate is the one macronutrient in the human diet you could knock out and still live a perfectly healthy life.

I say this of course to emphasize a point, NOT to recommend a ZERO carb diet. I don’t.

I do recommend either cycling your carb intake or taking a glycemic-controlled approach like GLAD. A permanently high carb diet means chronically elevated insulin and running the risk not only fat-gain, but heart disease and type 2 diabetes in the long term.

Stay Healthy!


P.S. If anyone out there has any more footage of Dr. Atkins on TV, I’d like to see it. There was an appearance on Larry King that I’ve never seen and doesn’t seem to be on YouTube. If you have any links etc. let me know.

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