The latest version of the BEST damn workout for packing on muscle size is here!
THT v5.2 is ready for download.
If you’re already on the MuscleHack mailing list, the download link will have been emailed to you. (Make sure you check your spam and/or ‘promotions’ tab in gmail. Unmark it as spam if it is in there)
If you’re not on it, add your name and email over on the right to get the book right now!
THT 5.2 Changelog
3-day HIT Routine – Monday & Wednesday now regular pushdowns for triceps
3-day HIT Routine – Friday triceps exercise changed to bent-over tricep extensions
5-day Volume Routine – Friday chest workout has Incline Bench Press at the end. Order is now flat bench press, pec deck or cable cross overs, deep dips, then incline bench press.
Linked to loose form EZ bar curls in bicep training section and in workout logs
Linked to new tricep pushdowns tutorial article in book and in logs
New Peak Overcompensation Point diagram used. Replaces old image – is clearer and easier to understand.
Includes my recommendation for The Protein Works supplements
The ‘Muscle Hacker’s Creed‘ included (to be read before workouts for incredible motivation)
Check your email for the download links for both the book and the logs, or sign up now.
Enjoy & Train With Intensity!
Hey Mark,
I’m curious to know why you don’t include decline bench presses in the chest workout. And what’s the reasoning for moving the incline bench press to the end and moving the dips up one? I thought dips were supposed to be the chest finisher because of the stretch they provide.
It seems there is no working download link for THT 5.2 workout log.
@Jojo. The download link for the logs is at the start of the book and inside the email I sent to subscribers.
@Yash. Decline BP and dips work the lower chest the same. They are interchangeable, see the exercise bank for all substitute exercises for all body parts.
The incline involves less effort and a smaller no. of muscle fibers, so I’ve put it to the end when you have the least energy.
Once again m8, you produce the goods… Best results I’ve ever had since I started thus… Cheers
@Tam. Happy to help pal. Glad you’re enjoying your workouts.
Perfect timing! Just finishing my 5.1 routine. Will there be updated logs for the Android app? Thanks again Mark.
Top notch
Not a big change for me
Half way through a cycle now – gonna swap the chest day straight away to the running order in 5.2, but also swap out dips for dec bench as i struggle at the moment……
Hi Mark,
If we are following TSPA we should ignore these workouts for now and just stick with the book right?
Yippey! love an update. Off to do arms now. By the way, in your opinion is it better to skip a few exercises OR have a workout that lasts more than 45-60mins. In a public gym, there is always waiting time for equipment to free up so not sure if it’s best to get out of catabolic state ASAP, even if you have to skip a set or two… thanks MARK !!
@Jeff. Yes, stick with the TSPA workout
@Richard. Wait it out to get your sets done 🙂