THT52The latest version of the BEST damn workout for packing on muscle size is here!

THT v5.2 is ready for download.

If you’re already on the MuscleHack mailing list, the download link will have been emailed to you. (Make sure you check your spam and/or ‘promotions’ tab in gmail. Unmark it as spam if it is in there)

If you’re not on it, add your name and email over on the right to get the book right now!


THT 5.2 Changelog


bulletpoint 3-day HIT Routine – Monday & Wednesday now regular pushdowns for triceps

bulletpoint 3-day HIT Routine – Friday triceps exercise changed to bent-over tricep extensions

bulletpoint 5-day Volume Routine – Friday chest workout has Incline Bench Press at the end. Order is now flat bench press, pec deck or cable cross overs, deep dips, then incline bench press.

bulletpoint Linked to loose form EZ bar curls in bicep training section and in workout logs

bulletpoint Linked to new tricep pushdowns tutorial article in book and in logs

bulletpoint New Peak Overcompensation Point diagram used. Replaces old image – is clearer and easier to understand.

bulletpoint Includes my recommendation for The Protein Works supplements

bulletpoint The ‘Muscle Hacker’s Creed‘ included (to be read before workouts for incredible motivation)

Check your email for the download links for both the book and the logs, or sign up now.

Enjoy & Train With Intensity!


You'll love your fast gains on THT!

Cool! Click here to take you to the download page. (or check your email for the download link)

You'll love your fast gains on THT!

Cool! Click here to take you to the download page. (or check your email for the download link)