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The last footage of the late Rich Piana has been released. It’s all in a new movie called The Rich Piana Chronicles.
Here’s the trailer. He’s training at Venice Beach, chatting to fans, and he talks about how he feels about becoming famous – hint: he says it “isn’t enough”. I’ll share my thoughts after…
That line about wanting to be “The Rock” famous – I think it kinda sums up Rich’s mentality. Nothing was ever going to be good enough for him. I honestly think the guy had some serious insecurity issues.
The cosmetic contact lenses he’d wear sometimes, the injections to make his skin tanner, the steroids (obviously), the synthol earlier in his career and the PMMA later – yes PMMA oil was found in his muscle during his autopsy.
Having said that, I really think the guy had a good heart. When I watched his videos, I saw someone with good intentions. He was just driven by a need to be accepted as “good enough”. And I think this was a fear he carried with him for a long long time.
Most of his advice was trash – sorry, but it just was. Saying he eats 9000 calories a day. He didn’t. And he admitted he didn’t eat that much in an interview with Ric Drasin. His “feeder workouts” were absolute bollocks and counter-productive to muscle growth. And the experiments he’d run like making his calves bigger in a few weeks and measuring them – you don’t think he just injected some oil in there to guarantee success? Yeah the guy was full of it, but like it say, it was all coming from a place of fear and insecurity.
One piece of GOOD advice he did give, however, was about “Feeling the muscle, not the weight” when training. He got that 100% right. I wrote and it here and shared his video about it – go see it. Your training will produce more growth if you take this advice.
It all goes to show that being rich and famous does not equal happiness. For some people, it can just make things worse. When they’re famous, they’ve an even bigger and more unrealistic image to live up to. The stress, insecurity and fear just intensifies. And that often leads to recreational drug use to cope with it – as it did with this man, too.
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF RICH PIANA? Let me know below or on my facebook or Instagram.
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that body look is vile. i seen callum von monger a while ago and he is a shadow of his old self cause he had to stop steriods due to injury. these guys at that level its bigger is better or so they think but to the average person its a terrible look, cant even bend over to clean there own arses.
Yeah, I totally agree with you on this Mark, I have very similar opinion on him. He said that he is brutally honest, but he didn’t admit PMMA in his arms, and you could see in many of his videos bags full of oil in certain movements, it was awful…yeah right, as younger he was skinnier, but as he got older, he got bigger, lmao. He also said that the goal with steroid was to get the most out of smaller dosages, which obviously wasn’t true, cause he wouldn’t be dead from small dosages. And yeah, he has a bigorexia, plus a image of him which he was under pressure to be the biggest possible he can be. And when he talked about his friend that died, but the competition was everything for him, even he was warned, he still did it, and died. It’s like he talked about him in some way. But you could tell in many of his videos that he wasn’t actually happy, but wanted to appear in a certain way on yt. So yeah, about eating 10-12 per day if you want to be big and all that, bs. He also said that overtraining doesn’t exist, it is just being lazy for him, cause if you eat enough, and sleep enough, you must grow. How he came to that conclusion? Cause he saw some people how buffed they looked post prison, and there they trained each day, and he was amazed how big they were, lol. So yeah, you can do a lot of things on steroids, and to still grow. He even admitted that he wouldn’t stop with all that shit until someone bury him. That being said, he had good intentions, but he was very insecure obviously, and he was not that honest as he pretended to be. I mean, PMMA was obvious to many people…and he knew that there would be consequences, but he said that he is willing to roll the dice. Also some BS logic from him, if a for a example guy has the best car in the world, it doesn’t matter how he got it, the fact is that he have them, and you not. The same things he wanted to say about his arms…lmao. You could also see how he drastically got older in a few years cause of failing organs, and yellowish skin, and all that. But in 2013, he looked way younger and healthier than 2-3 years later…he knew that it was gonna cause some damage. And when you look at all bodybuilders who were famous, and now are dead, all of them died at about 44-46 yo…it’s when the body just cannot take it anymore, but they just can’t help it but to still take big dosages…plus all of the supplements that he took way too much each time…it was just a matter of time for him. Cutler and Coleman are smarter, cause at the around same age, they take just minimal dosages, so I guess that they will live longer.
He’s one of millions of people propagating their own flavour of bullshit. They are testosterone filled salesmen. I appreciated his honesty. But nothing he does relates to any part of my life. I’ve noticed noone talks about muscle growth via micro damage and tears. Its ALWAYS volume volume volume pump pump volume. All the ibff pro talk the same story. All juiced up to the eyeballs. As for Piana, he sounded like a very troubled man. Is this self harm a cry for help? At least with his mindset generally involved hurting himself and not others, directly. Other people with ‘issues’ end up worse, violent, dangerous.
@Ozzy. Yeah, serious bigorexia going on. And that car analogy thing he used to talk about – of course it matters how you got it. I never agreed with him on that. If you’ve a 22″ arm and it’s full of oil, yes it matters.
@Mannie. Yeah, troubled indeed. And by the way, I talk about triggering growth via micro-tears in the muscle tissue all the time 😉
Yes Mark. You do talk it all the time. So do I. I thank you for that. But WE are not juiced up IBFF monsters selling our lifestyle choices to vulnerable people. This is the point I was making. All they talk it volume pump volume. I hope they are wrong. DLB has great shoulders. She often does 150rep shoulder supersets. AND apparently natty. Superhuman or super bullshit??
He may have been “Brutally Honest” but the mirror he was looking at was obviously lying!!!!