In the list of important factors for building muscle, sleep is often relegated to the bottom, or completely left out!

Apart from being detrimental to your well-being, I’m convinced that a lack of sleep is negatively impacting your efforts to build more muscle.

Check this out…

Sleep & Testosterone

The National University of Singapore studied 531 healthy men aged between 29 and 72. [1]

They recorded how much they slept and their testosterone levels were measured (total and bio-available testosterone).

The relationship between testosterone levels and sleep was there for all to see.

In a nutshell, those who slept 4 or less hours per night had 60% less total testosterone and 55% less bio-available testosterone than those who slept 8 hrs or more.

They endocrinologists said…

“The significant association of sleep with androgen concentrations suggests that sleep might be a contributing factor in the etiology of men with low concentrations of androgen. Therefore, in the management of men with low androgen concentrations, an evaluation of their sleep hygiene might add to the understanding the etiology of their hypogonadal state.”

Now you may argue that this is correlational and doesn’t necessarily mean that a lack of sleep was the causative factor. But from my own experiences with prolonged periods of sleep deprivation, I would be confident that sleep is indeed a major cause.

In fact, who is to say that a lot of what is reported about decreasing testosterone levels increasing with age is not simply down to the fact that older guys tend to:

(1) Sleep less than their younger counterparts

(2) Have less restful sleep than their younger counterparts.

If you are over 40 and this is something you are worried about, I would find a way to get more and better quality sleep before splashing out on so-called testosterone boosters.

With that in mind, if any of you guys have tips on how to have a great night’s sleep, leave a comment below!

Sleep Well!


[1] Sleep, sex steroid hormones, sexual activities, and aging in Asian men.

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