Are you ready for the abdominal workout of your life?
The most critical component of a great ab routine is the form. Yet it’s the one thing that so many people get wrong!
I’ve created an audio file that is designed to put an end to all of that. You listen to this track as you work your abs. Simply download the track and put it on your mp3 player to sculpt your abs with perfect form.
Some of you will note that this sounds like a podcast I created a long time ago. It’s actually an updated and improved version. In the old version the explanation of how to use the audio AND the actual ‘real-time guided ab workout’ were on the same track. This meant that you had to skip through the first few minutes of the track before your workout.
Also, the workout section now consists of only 1 set of ‘beeps’. The track will then stop and you can simply hit play again whenever you’re ready for your next set.
Listen to the instructions below – you do not need to download this track.
Abdominal Workout Instructions
Beep 1 – Start the positive part of the rep
2 seconds
Beep 2 – Now hold the position at the ‘Peak Contraction Point’
1 second
Beep 3 – Start the negative part of the rep
2 seconds
A total of 5 seconds per rep, this repeats for a total of 16 reps. For a killer abdominal workout you should be reaching positive failure somewhere between 8 and 16 reps. For most people this will involve weighted resistance, most likely a plate or dumbbell held on your chest.
You’ll know if your form is good if the movement feels smooth and fluid. Excruciating, but smooth and fluid 😉
Now, download the track below and get to work! Right-Click and ‘Save Link/Target As’
To rock-hard, shredded abs!
Mark McManus
image credit: hashout blog
Hey Mark,
This is a great guide. You are right, the timing of the exercise is important. I don’t know how many times I have gone to the gym and seen people flopping up and down or rocking back and forth as fast a possible. For chiseled abs, it truly is form over function, and using the beeps as cues is a terrific idea to hammer that point home.
Thanks Ben 🙂
you are right, but also remember that diet is also very important, and a good amount of protein to promote muscle development. you could come check me out since we are kinda doin the same thing
Hey Mark,
Sounds like a really good idea! This will keep me from just trying to rush through my ab reps. Have you thought of doing something like this just for a regular workout set of 8-12 reps? I think a lot of people could use this for a couple of weeks and really get their timing down since I don’t think anyone watches a second clock while they lift! At least I think it would help me. Again, great idea!
I agree with mark, and i have also seen many people in the gym just rocking back and forth as fast as they can, they have no idea how much they are NOT doing lol. Thanks !
Wow! Mark you’ve certainly stumbled upon something very interesting! I wonder what the impact of doing something like this, with other lifts would be. Maybe the squat? DB curls, tricep push-down?
Well done!!!!!!
So I just downloaded the book – want to have a dramatic difference in 60 days. I am a runner but want to be ripped and currently eat clean. Will this work for me as a woman who is turning 40? lol
Hi Serena,
It definitely will, as long as you do your part and give it 100%
By the way, 40 is still young 😉
I tried your guided (5-sec/per rep) abdominal workout and man it is sooo annoyingly hard! But I think its really effective.
anyway, pls pls post a workout for legs and thighs and glutts for girls!!!
If I was to do between 10-12 reps of these weighted sit ups, how many sets would you recommend, and how long should I rest in between them? Thanks!