Don’t skip this article, you’ll see PROOF that our mindset can make us physically stronger!
The ability of our mindset to influence our performance in the gym can’t be overstated.
However, these type of ‘mind’ articles are my LEAST popular! Yet the same people that ignore this type of work are more than happy to splash out their hard-earned money on useless, junk-science, supplements in the hope of hammering out more reps in the gym!
Anyway, I came across a video on YouTube that visually shows how different mindsets affect our strength.
I have had heard of, and seen demonstrated before, applied kinesiology. However, it wasn’t until I stumbled across this video that I thought to share it with you.
Here’s the deal…
Think of something disempowering like a time when you felt disappointed or cheated. Perhaps even state a negative mantra over and over like, “I’m sooooo weak”. Now have someone muscle-test you while you resist their push with everything you’ve got. You’ll probably not be able to fight the resistance.
Now do the opposite. Think of a VERY empowering situation or pump yourself up with some positive affirmations and re-test. You’ll definitely test stronger this time.
Check out this video to learn the technique – unfortunately the owner doesn’t allow embedding so you’ll have to watch it on YouTube:
I’ve tested this on people in real life and it DOES work. The degrees of strength difference vary from person to person. But, the very fact that ANY strength difference exists at all should be enough for you to realize that how you think and feel in the gym is going to have a MAJOR impact on your results.
If you can tap into an affirmative mindset each and every workout, think of the added pounds of muscle that equates to over the long term.
Note: Just to clarify, some people claim that kinesiology can be used to test the healthfulness of different foods, the power of crystals, the truthfulness of statements etc. That’s not what this is about. I’m simply stating the usefulness of muscle-testing in visually demonstrating the effect of your mindset on your strength.
It is real and more effective than any supplement on the market. Be smart and take advantage of it.
Your Buddy,
Great post, I try and use positive visualisation before every set, and it really helps. Good to see more proof regarding this. Cheers!
Mark, It was articles like this that started me reading your blog!
(Love these type of articles.hope people buy n quantom mechanics tell us that matter does not take phisical form untill an observed by an observer(Conciounce)till then it exist as a possiblity
matter exist as waves of possibility, like a radio station that transmit music all round us matter is scatterd in infinite possible oritaion and states. people objects everthing, just like the music waves. .think of a light through a prism spreads to different frequencies and colors as EX. Same with us and everthing in our life, same matteral same single light source just differnt frequencies.
CRAZY PART our thoughts are the exact same matterial we are made of. _every thought has a reaction in the quatom field a transfer of energy to manifest our thoughts.
each observer can obtain a differnt reallity from observing the same subatomic particle.. so why cant we change our computer to a car with our thoughts… (quatuom entanglement) think of a puzzel.. each puzzel piece is a persons thoughts that can change shape deepeding on there thoughts and the picuter is life. the computer infront of you is a manifestation so the pieces fit together.
EX. if you focus on the body you want. you are building engery in the unverse to manifest your thoughts. altering your puzzel piece to effect others around you. maybe somebody gets an suden urge to start a blog you run across. run across old workout buddy. you are vibrationaly aligning with senerios that bring your thoughts to reality. bit by bit pecies fall in to place. (watch out. you also are manifesting your fears and negative thougts)
@Danny – great to hear! 🙂
@eremy – I’m really interested in some of things you mention here
Quantum Entanglement
Monistic Idealism (all is consciousness)
The Holographic Principle
Double Slit Experiment – consciousness causes collapse of the quantum wave function.
Anyway, the point is that I believe, at the very least, that our thoughts are important in shaping our future.
I have certainly experienced some of the things you’re talking about e.g. starting to believe that I could build muscle without adding fat THEN coming across the very resources that proved this could happen.
Most people will say that they will ‘believe it when they see it’, whereas the truth may be closer to ‘you’ll see it when you believe it.’
Anyway, no matter what, stay positive!