Get this exercise right and you’ll be well on your way to having boulders for shoulders!

Equipment you need:

Although the rack is optional, I really recommend it. Barbell Presses are one of those exercises that are best performed off the rack, not the floor.
Because you’ll expend way to much energy getting the thing into position before you even perform your first rep. No power cleans.

Check out the video first…

(1) Have the bar racked at about shoulder height

(2) Take a neutral grip i.e. wider than shoulder width

(3) Lift off the barbell and set it across your breast bone – where your pecs and neck meet

(4) Now take a couple of steps back

(5) Place your feet just slightly wider than shoulder width. Experiment with this; whatever feels most comfortable and sturdy is the right position for you
Tip – If you often rock about too much on overhead presses, you can have a staggered stance i.e one leg behind you, one leg in front

(6) Have your pelvis pushed forward and a BIG chest

(7) Now push the bar up, ensuring that the delts are doing the work

(8) Throughout the rep, stare forward. Don’t shift your head around.

(9) As you approach the top of the movement you want to push your head and torso a little forward and push the bar up and BEHIND your head. This is important.

(10) Now lower the weight in a slow, controlled fashion. Controlling the negative part of a rep recruits more muscle fibers!

(11) Lower to the starting point again. Do NOT bounce the weight off your chest. Have it lightly touch your chest before executing another rep.

Overhead presses work the whole shoulders and are SERIOUSLY effective. Your THT workouts should include them for the majority, if not all of your training cycles.

More vids coming soon!

Your buddy!

Mark McManus

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