Are you throwing away muscle gains by consuming most of your protein from denatured sources? If so, you’d need to know!

Have you heard the term “denatured protein”? Sounds bad, doesn’t it? DE-NATURED.

You’ve almost certainly heard someone tell you that it’s not nutritionally beneficial, right? Or that your body can’t absorb it. But is that true?

What Is Denatured Protein?

Protein is made up of strands of individual amino acids (think of beads on a string).

Cooking protein alters the STRUCTURE of the protein molecule i.e. the shape of it. It does not, however, alter the amino acid CONTENT of the protein.


Denaturation reactions are not strong enough to break the peptide bonds, the primary structure (sequence of amino acids) remains the same after a denaturation process. [1]

The fact is you still get all the amino acids regardless of whether or not the protein is denatured or un-denatured.

This altering of structure is actually a ‘breaking-down’ of the protein. This is a required process; our stomachs do it for us anyway. Breaking down is required because our cells need those amino acids from the protein molecule.

I was asked recently by a guy if he should only buy an undenatured whey protein.

My reply was, “Do you cook your chicken? How about your eggs?” You get the point.

So is denatured protein nutritionally bankrupt? Quite the opposite. It’s nutritionally beneficial. Since it’s already partially broken down, it will help quicken the absorption since there’s less work for your stomach to do.

This is not something worry about. Just make sure you get your daily protein requirement using this formula.

However, the quality of protein in terms of its (1) Bio-availability and (2) Completeness ARE important issues. To get the scoop on this matter read The 5 Best Sources Of Protein For Building Muscle.

Quality Whey Proteins I Recommend:

(1) US – Optimum Nutrition Whey

(2) Europe – Impact Whey from MyProtein

Enjoy Your Chicken.

Your Bud,


Reference [1]

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