In this article I’ll show you how to use Lat Pull-Downs to develop awesome lats, THT style.

Compound exercises don’t usually take the intended body part into a position of maximum contraction. They therefore cannot place any resistance in the one position where the maximum number of muscle fibers are recruited and ready to be overloaded.

However, the lat-pull down is one compound exercise that DOES:

  • Work the lats in harmony with their FUNCTION
  • Take the lats into the PCP and imparts growth stimulation there

As stated in a previous article, the function of the lats is to pull the arms down towards the body.

This is an easy exercise to do. Let’s take a look at the vid I’ve made to demonstrate…

How To Do Lat-Pull-Downs

(Please ‘like’ it on YouTube if this helped. Personally I preferred the 5 star rating system but what are you gonna do).

  • Don’t use the angled handles. For most people this grip is too wide to be maximally effective. You won’t be as strong on this movement with your arms spaced that far apart. Grab the bar with a wide grip just before the bar bends (if anything my grip is still a little too wide here. I noticed it when watching this back – the bar used is longer than regular ones). Wider-than-shoulder-width is good.
  • Pull down under control until the bar touches the top of your chest
  • This is the Peak Contraction Point.
  • Hold in this position for a second before slowly lowering the bar back up
  • This is important: DON’T release the contraction from the lats at the top of the rep. You can’t tell from the video but I am stopping just short of locking the arms out and ensuring that my lats are still contracted at the top.
  • Repeat until muscular failure

Note: When you get strong enough I suggest you use wrist straps to ensure that the set terminates when the lats have been fully overloaded, NOT when your forearm strength gives out.

Total Anabolism 3.0 is very much in the works guys. I want to have vid tutorials for all exercises contained in the new program, so when I get them all done and posted up here, the book will be ready!

Stay Motivated!


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