Me “crawling” away after my sets of chin-ups lol
Chin-ups are a compound exercise that primarily hit the biceps and to a lesser degree the lats. And they’re awesomely effective! But only if you do them properly! That’s why I’ve put this tutorial video together for you.
I’d like you to read this post in conjunction with my recent 3 Most Effective Bicep Exercises, where I conclude scientifically that Concentration Curls, Cable Preacher Curls…and Chin-Ups are the 3 best movements for the biceps.
These exercises are all part of my free THT training program. Some people are not aware of this as they neglect to download the THT Exercise Bank file that comes free with the workout.
The Exercise Bank is a full list of all approved exercises that stimulate hypertrophy/growth. It also gives instructions on how and when to swap up exercises on THT training. Simple. So if you can’t do a particular exercise, or just feel like a change, you need this file.
So I’m going to give it to you here without any sign-up process. I want you to have this!
So just click here to download the THT Exercise Bank now. Enjoy!
And if you haven’t yet downloaded the full THT training system, grab it for free below. If it says that you’re already subscribed, see today’s email that went out to you – at the bottom, I’ve given the THT download link for you all.
5 star reviews! Get THT Training Totally Free Below
Here’s the tutorial video. Apologies for the angle; tried my best to get a good position to show proper form. Anyway, it shows everything you need to know. Watch and pay attention to the notes below.
Click for a vid showing how to do chin-ups correctly for #bicep growth Share on X(1) Step up and grasp bar with underhand shoulder width grip.
(2) How high to go? Basically just pull yourself up until your elbows are in at the sides of your body. You’ll instinctively know when you are at the top – don’t overthink it.
(3) To maximize full muscle fiber recruitment, do your negatives (lowering) a little slower than the positive (raising).
(4) Lower body under full muscular control until arms and shoulders are fully extended. Please watch this in the video and note how my arms are full extended (fully straight) at the bottom of the rep.
(5) When you can do more than 12 reps with your bodyweight, add weight by adding plates to a dip belt.
NOTE: You’ll notice that I go to the last rep, then just hang for a few seconds and let some burning lactic acid flush out of my muscles and this allows me to knock out another rep.
If you’re not doing these in your current cycle of THT training, consider swapping them in as per the instructions in the THT Exercise Bank file.
If you’ve any questions, ask me below and I’ll help you out.
Train With Intensity!
Mark McManus
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Definitely adding it in! Thank Mark 😀
What if you are just starting out? I’m 41 years old and am overweight for sure. Quite honestly I don’t think I can do a pull up.
@Scott. No probs. You probably couldn’t do a full chin-up from the get-go. Just do any of the other bicep exercises listed in the THT Exercise Bank file.
@Adam. Thanks bud.
currently following TSPA to be ripped for my honeymoon. Would I start arm day with these or end it. Does it make much of a difference?
@Dan. Wouldn’t matter, buddy. But keep it consistently in the same position in the workout from week to week.
Chin ups are extremely hard to do but with practice they become easy!! I couldn’t do 1 chin up but I build them into biceps day at end of session as drop sets and within a few months I was dangling 10 kg of my belt doing 2 sets of 12!! As mark says great for in in increasing size
@Mick. Yep, you can get strong on this movement quite quickly
Thank you mark ,been waiting on a demonstration video for these.
I have a question on a different topic tho ,it’s about aakg and glutamine. Should we be taking it on off days like we do beta alanine and creatine?
Thank you for everything you do mark.
@Gabe. No, I personally don’t see any need to. Hope that helps, buddy 🙂
Great stuff, was always a fan of chin ups and pulls especially just after some curls
This is great, I’m in for these as well. I’m sure I’m going to suck. Meaning only about 4 or maybe 5 but I’m game!
Thanks Mark for the great research into this for us. My biceps are a pain to grow for some reason. Triceps respond well. Biceps have been a pain and stubborn. This outta help.
@Juste @Jason Mazepa Thanks guys! Enjoy these!