What better way to start a new year than with a big dose of INSPIRATION to light your fire!
If 70lbs and 3 inches on your arms sounds good, read on…
I received the following testimonial in my inbox on 12th December 2010.
The sender was Josh Smith from Tahlequah, Oklahoma. I also asked for his Facebook profile to help with the authenticity of his claims, to which he kindly agreed (these testimonials always bring out the haters).
Josh said…
“Hi Mark, how are you. These are my before and after pics of a little over 1.5 years of using your program. I was 16 in the first pic and am now almost 17.5. My stats were:
Jan 1, 2009
Weight- 160 lbs
Height- 6’2
age-16 yrs 7months
Arms- 14.5 inches
Aug 2, 2010
Weight- 230 lbs
Height- 6’3

Josh After THT (205lbs)
age- 17 yrs 3 months
Arms- 17.5 inches
“I used your THT principals in all of my training, and followed the GLAD diet guidlines. Your site has the best and most straight forward information I have ever found.
“The only supplements I used were whey protein, creatine, and the occasional preworkout. You are welcome to put these pics on your site. In the pic of me deadlifting, and drinking my protein I was about 190 and 205 pounds.”

Josh after THT Training
Well done, Josh. Thanks for allowing me to post your pics! Yet another demonstration of the POWER of THT to transform your body! See here for more testimonials.
If you’re new here, you’re probably wondering how to pick up a copy of THT. Well, the good news is that it’s FREE and all you have to do is enter your name and email in the box to the top right of this page to receive the download instructions.
Read it and do it! You’ll start to see changes in only a few weeks! Every single THT workout stimulates growth, no exceptions!
If you have a testimonial with pics, get in touch via the contact form. (please don’t use this form for asking questions; it won’t be read or answered).
Note: Josh mentioned pre-workout supplements above. If you want a REALLY cheap pre-workout drink – see my no-xplode knock off here.
2011 is the year of MASSIVE gains!
Here at MuscleHack you can expect…
- Updates of the FREE Total Anabolism book,
- Updates of Total Six Pack Abs (free for all buyers of previous versions)
- A NEW FREE “MuscleHack Food Book”
- An updated and improved “Arms Blast Experiment” – complete with video (free for all buyers of previous versions)
- Last but not least – A Full Year of Different THT cycles designed to FORCE your body to reach its full genetic potential for growth in 12 months (I’m not kidding). This won’t be a free book.
- More FREE articles, advice, recipes, than you can shake a stick at!
Lots to look forward to!
For now – Get THT, Train, Get Stronger, Get Bigger! Simple.
Train With Intensity!
Love the protein shake and deadlift pics!
You look pissed off in the before pic. I bet you’re not anymore lol! Great motivation. Gonna work harder than ever this year!!
Very impressive, although the age factor is probably difficult to account for (gaining weight is always easier when you’re still getting taller). I think 15-20yrs is probably the best time you could possibly spend exercising in your life. That said, it still makes me want to try out the THT and MANS / GLAD diet stuff for real.
btw – Have you ever tried Jack3d as a pre-workout drink? I’ve tried both Jack3d and NO-Xplode and not only did Jack3d work better, it tasted way better too (not all foamy and carbonated). I haven’t tried out your homegrown one yet, but I’m thinking about it when I finish my current supply.
Wow, impressive i am 18 and half this guy. Today started with THT FTW!!
yeah, a lot easier for the young ones. Tons of more growth hormone. Tons. Future breeders of the world sort of thing. However, at 60(climb in a cave and avoid the ice age sort of thing), using a GLADS/MANS/THT3.1/6PK-ABS mismatch of Mark’s routines I have been adding at least 10lbs of barbell or machine weight every week now for 8 weeks. Moved my days to match Marks weekday/weekend version with carb up day on legs day. Also when switching, I thought I would have slow start but low and behold, moved Fri=1 to Mon=1 and added my usual extra 10lbs today. Added 20lbs on the shrugs. And that includes skiing all day the day before. (had to, darnit).
So. . . . . .buy the books first, download everything that is free, read through all his blogs so you get started on what you correctly want. I didn’t but managed to continue to advance steadily. Which means Mark’s paradigms work even for slobs like me!!! I do make sure of doing the workouts like he explains, until failure each set, and the long rests, and the post workout shake. Now if I could only get that 6-flap out of the way so I can see the 6-pack. . . .
Hey, just because this guy is 18 doesn’t mean he’s going to stay that way. As he moves into his 20’s and 30’s his metabolism slows, he gets married and has to stay up all night feeding and changing, he doesn’t get enough exercise to keep his nice abs –this is all a matter of here and now. I am 42 years older than this kid, and since I’ve been on Mark’s program (Sept 2010) I’ve gained NO weight, lifts 100% improved, and not one but 2 sets of abs showing! You’re never too old. Email for pics. Thanks, Mark.
Sweet Mark, looking forward to updates. I’m 15, and have put on over 25 pounds in 3.5 months following tht. Just moving into H.I.T. cycle today, looking forward to it!
hi, please forward me a copy of THT,
Mark, how much muscle do you think a natural bodybuilder can gain in 1 year?? There are some very conflicting opionins on this, whats your estimate?? I just find it staggering that this guy can gain this amount of weight in less than a year naturally, this site does promote natural training of course!! just a thought!
Thanks for the great comments everyone. 🙂
@Conor. It can’t be answered definitely since there are too many variables eg. training experience, age, genetics, training intensity, nutritive equilibrium, and so on.
However, the orthodoxy tells you to expect 3-5lbs per year – PER YEAR!! That’s insane. However, most routines aren’t intense enough, the volume is too high, most cutting programs force you to lose muscle, and so on.
When you start doing things correctly, we’re talking 10’s of pounds per year. If you’re a very advanced trainee, or an extreme ectomorph, perhaps somewhere just over 10 pounds.
The “Year of THT” program I’m developing is for more advanced trainees to really squeeze out those last few pounds and reach your full genetic potential.
Just a note: it took Josh 1.5yrs, not less than a year.
Josh I salute you! Very well done.
Hi mark just started THT training but need some help with nutrition and my diet. If you can help confidentially that would be a help. Many thanks Maz.
Okay i was just blown away by those pictures of him. To see him go from skinny and average to bulky and strong was pretty darn cool. I like the fact that he did this over time and not all in one or 2 months.
Putting on real muscle mass and tone takes real time. This is nothing that should be rushed. He was obviously going for long term results. Which i totally congratulate. This should serve as an inspiration to others.
People should remember also with working out a balanced diet is crucial. You need plenty of high quality protein. Which you can easily get from eggs and many other natural items.