This Podcast will give you the ab workout of your life.
You may hurt a little the day after but the whole purpose in recording this podcast was to ensure that:
- you use correct form
- you use correct timing
The quest for six pack abs is not a race! Slow, weighted reps are best for sculpting killer abs.
How to Use this Podcast
This audio is designed to work in real-time. Either play it here at Muscle Hack or download it and put it on your mp3 player. Listen to it as you work your abs.
You’ll be guided through your workout like this:
* On the first beep, start your rep.
* On the second beep, crunch your abs at the peak contraction point (the top of the rep)
* On the third beep, start the negative part of the rep i.e. lower yourself back down.
You’ll do 8 – 16 reps. When you’re done, pause the audio and take 1.30 – 2 minutes rest. Click me back on again for your next set. There are a total of 9 sets. All of this is in accordance with the MuscleHack THT training system. You can learn more by downloading the free ebook ‘Total Anabolism 2.0′.
Both the concentric (positive) and eccentric (negative) parts of the rep last 2 seconds. The crunching of the abs at the top of each rep lasts for one second. Believe me, your going to feel this working.
Which Ab Exercises?
That’s up to you. However I recommend:
* Weighted sit-ups (decline sit-ups if you can)
* Crunches
* Reverse Crunches
If you perform all 3 of these abdominal exercises, 3 sets of each is perfect to meet the 9 sets requirement.
I can’t wait for you guys to couple this workout with my soon to be released book ‘Total Six Pack Abs.’ The book details the complete, definitive system for sculpting ripped abs and keeping them forever. If you want to be updated on the book’s availability, subscribe to the RSS feed and/or sign up for ‘The MuscleHacker‘ Newsletter.
Enjoy and feel free to leave some feedback (if only to complain that you can’t stand upright because your abs hurt so bad 😉 ).
Stay Motivated!
Mark McManus
Mark, i am a 15 year old highschool student that wants a ripped body like the varsity football players. ever since starting ur projram i have lost 18 pounds and have got to 10% body fat. my abs are showing now and its all because of ur program. thnx alot!!!
Hi Abraham. That’s great to hear man.
Did you use Total Anabolism or Total Six Pack Abs? I’m really pleased for you.
If you have any before and after pics, I’m sure the rest of the guys here would love to see them.