Finally making the decision to get RIPPED can be one of the most rewarding experiences you ever have.
It’s not like the pleasure of eating a chocolate bar or a pizza. This is the type of pleasure you get to keep 24/7!
No more embarrassment if and when you have to take your top off. No more belly hanging over your belt when you sit down. It’s gone! And it’s gone forever – if you stick with MuscleHack that is.
Here’s one of the most recent Hackers to banish his belly once and for all. Let’s hear what he had to say about his experiences…
“Hey Mark,
“My name is Jimmy, I’m 31 from Hull in the UK. I’m an endomorph, and have always struggled to put on muscle without a ton of fat. After working out using a million and 1 different methods that I’d been recommended or researched, I finally stumbled upon your site.
“All of your articles made so much sense and your methods appeared easy to follow and not over complicated, so I decided to start doing the GLAD and THT method.
“Bang! It all started to work I was building good muscle even without following the diet ultra closely and not gaining much fat. Anyway, after putting it off for so long I thought it was about time to do a Total Six Pack Abs period and shed some of that excess fat from all those years of mishaps (and which had become very excessive after a heavy eating and drinking xmas!).
“Buying and then following the TSPA method has been one of the best decisions/purchases I’ve ever made! I can’t thank you enough for helping me achieve what I have so far and for what I will achieve with your methods in the future. I’ve gone from having a pot-belly to a spot-on belly! And its all down to your methods.
“Anyway I’ll let my pictures and stats do the rest of my talking. Here are my stats:

Jimmy on January 3rd – Just Starting TSPA!

Jimmy on Feb 3rd

Jimmy on February 28th

Jimmy on Apr 8th – Getting Close!

Jimmy on April 23rd – Done! (pic 1)

Jimmy on April 23rd – Done! (pic 2)
“I’d just like to add that my bodyfat measurements were taken using the surprailiac and 3-fold jackson-pollock methods which both came out at 7.1%, but I actually think I look about 9-10%. However, since I started with the surpraliac method I thought I would end with that method too.
“Thanks for everything, Mark. Jimmy”
My pleasure, Jimmy! Thanks for the testimonial and the great pics.
This is Jimmy’s Facebook account and here is his original post on the fan page.
Like Jimmy said at the end about using suprailiac method, pick a method and stick with it. It’s the only way to measure your progress with CONSISTENT accuracy. The only method I discourage is using electronic bodyfat analysers/bathroom scales. They’re inaccurate, inconsistent, and will give you a headache – avoid at all costs.
The cheapest way to measure your bodyfat is with accumeasure calipers. Alternatively, plug your stats into the widget in my sidebar for a fairly accurate estimate.
Now, are you going to join Jimmy in having a six-pack for summer?
Train With Intensity!
This has to be one of the greatest testimonials ever! Talk about motivation! Abs!olutely amazing Jimmy! You look better than the stars on the TV! Well done man! Be proud, and enjoy the summer with your well defined six-pack!
well done my man!! keep going, your’e looking great.
Good stuff. Testimonials really help cut through all the BS out there.
I agree with Andreas, fantastic work Jimmy! Enjoy your summer!
Yep. Jimmy done very well. If you bring your commitment to the table, TSPA will do the rest. I’ll be adding this testimonial to the slider widget I’m getting designed. It’ll look great!
Well done, Jimmy. Not many guys in their 30’s can sport abs like those.
Great transformation in a relatively short amount of time. Well done!
This looks so fake, in the first pic he is pushing his belly out and in the last one he is flexing. I can do the same, I can make myself look like a pregnant man to having a six pack.
@A. Oh well, there’s always one. Let us know when you post up your own pics of making yourself look like “a pregnant man to having a six pack”, as you say. Maybe you’ll lose all the fat from your face, neck, pecs, and arms too just like Jimmy 😉
I fully support Mark’s system. I’ve told every person I know to purchase it . Hands down the best. I could go on and on about how great it is. However , he is pushing his belly out in the first pic. This is an accepted transformation procedure which is why I think Mark should set up some sort of criteria for his clients/customers to use before submitting pics. , etc. The bottom line is this guy made an amazing transformation and didn’t need to distend his belly in the before pic. Look at Al Tom, he had abs in his before pic and even more ripped in his after TSPA pics yet we all think of his transformation as amazing ( and it was ) . And guess what …… so is Jimmy’s !!!!!!!!
@Rob. Fair points but I really don’t believe he is pushing his belly out. My gut looked EXACTLY the same back in the day. That is how it looked when I relaxed my gut, not pushed it out. In fact, I remember someone saying I was pushing my belly out when I showed him it – I was in my early twenties and would whip it out sometimes for a laugh. Being formerly skinny, I was kinda proud of that blubber believe it or not. I didn’t carry a lot of fat elsewhere but my gut was huge. It was even bigger than Jimmy’s first pic. I think this can be hard to understand for people who maybe store their fat more evenly throughout their body. For those of us who store it mostly on the midsection, it’s very real.
Mark I thought about this as soon as I hit submit. What you and Jimmy had was a lot of visceral fat not subcutaneous fat. Fat stored ON the midsection is subcutaneous. Fat behind the abdominal wall is visceral. though the later is harder to distinguish from pushing out ( which relaxing your belly has the same effect as pushing out; your abdominal wall holds your “guts” back). I am currently not in the ripped state but my buddy is ripped to shreds and when he “relaxes” his stomach it looks like the above before pic. So we should say no relaxed or pushed out bellies in the before photos. Both before and after pics should be in the flexed position. I guess I shouldn’t tell you that you have to set some standards for the transformation stuff as long as viewers are aware of what we discussed ( I’m no expert nor do I claim to be; I yield to you, Mark, on that).
Push belly or not push belly – let’s look at the positives. The transformation is Amazing! How many of you negative comment people can do that in 4 month!
Jimmy well done pal – Have a great shirt off summer.
Hey Mark,
I sent you an e-mail and a message through facebook, did you receive them?? It’s kinda urgent =S
I agree for measuring, taking pictures, etc. you need consistency. I learned different lighting, the angle, the pose makes a difference if you are trying to monitor your progress so it’s best as Mark says elsewhere take your measurements, pictures same time, same day, etc. For curiosity sake I went to a mirror and tried to distend my stomach out to see what it would look like. At 10% bodyfat you can still see my abs and cuts regardless of me trying to push it out. When I was at 22% and relaxed my stomach, it hung over my belt and he went from 23% to 7%. As I said on FB, until I had gotten rid of the fat I didn’t really have an idea how to flex the muscle properly to make it stand out, not to mention the ab work in the program. Regardless, amazing transformation, great work!!!
Thanks for the comments guys. I wasn’t pushing my belly out in the first pic believe me thats they way it was! It was a good xmas though 😉 My lower back actually slightly pushes in naturally you can see it in the 8th apr picture where if I forced my back up against a wall it would of been almost flat in that pic. Someone else who has this worse than me is Chuck Liddell (UFC Fighter) that guy permanently looks like he’s sticking his belly out! Yes I was slightly tensing my abs in the last pics to make the definition stand out. Tensing in the first picture would of had very little effect as I was carrying too much body fat to see abs! You can’t tense fat away!!
Awesome job Jimmy!! To the ‘A’ person, look at Jimmy’s whole body. You can see the results/definition in his arms, traps, chest, and of course abs. Try Mark’s program and you’ll be amazed. Gonna send another donation to my IRISH HERO!!! Thanks for all you do for your MuscleHack followers Mark!!!
Please don’t get ME wrong Sheraz. In my first post I commented on his “amazing transformation” . Though you have to agree how those who don’t know better may think negatively about it. I still say it should be flexed pics vs flexed pics. I know many people whose abs don’t show until they flex them, even at sub 10% bodyfat.
Great work, Jimmy! Very inspirational!
I’m wondering why so little muscle gain. Only 2lbs? Over 110 days?
3-5 lbs of muscle gain is typical for someone who isn’t a neophyte, so 2 lbs in 110 days, I’d be happy with that, especially at 43 years old.
Mark I have one suggestion for you. You should ask each guy who sends you photos his top 3 tips, mistakes or lessons learned on his journey. What do you think about this idea ? I’m pretty sure your readers would love it and also find it very useful.
Very good job Jimmy, that is an amazing effort! i wish that i will have a well defined 6 pack like your. i was just wondering, do you know how much muscle you put on on the GLAD diet?
Awesome work Jimmy! Congrats!
Way to go Jimmy, I have a very similar build to you and have just started TSPA, so you are an inspiration to my quest! My gut also hangs out with 21% BF, yet thin elsewhere else.
Hey John, unless your body type is mesomorphic I think your probably gonna struggle to gain much muscle while doing a cut. I think its more about muscle preservation than muscle gain while on the cut. Now while I was semi-serious on the GLAD diet I did build quite a few pounds of muscle, but sorry Daniel don’t have those figures as I wasn’t taking them. If i was to guess I would probably say about 10 pounds of muscle gain in the 1-2 year period, but if you follow the program more closely (as I will be doing for most of the rest of the year) i’m sure you can gain more.
i think the guys who arent happy with their results are quick to point out the faults in the way other people look. wheather this is fake or not to you I’m sure Jimmy is F$%cking happy with how he looks!!
how come he has a diffrent camera in the bottom two pictures and looks totally diffrent?
I can see why “A” thinks that Jimmy has his gut that way on purpose…however as many others commented already the transformation is in the whole body here really…this is evident…
Mark good job…i am interested in purchasing this program and i would like to be contacted as soon as possible…
@Nathan. People tend to look a little different when they lose a lot of weight. And why can’t he use a different camera 4 months later? Or perhaps I’m faking the whole thing. That’s right. I steal pics from the web and create facebook accounts for them. Then I friend a bunch of people. Then I write these posts. Heaven help me if the people whose pics I used ever find out about this, lol.
@Dimitar. What would you like to know before purchasing? You can just ask here or on the facebook group.
How do i prove @A and @Nathan that the belly deal is really true(referring to your comment)…
I guess i take 3 before photos, belly pumped out, belly relaxed and belly pulled in? Definitely, and i will do it…
I will find you on Facebook…
I must be genetically impaired. I’ve been on the program about 60 days. I’ve lost about 10 pounds but have only lost about 3% body fat (taking me to 11%); but that means I’ve also lost about 4 pounds of muscle. I definitely look better but I really just look skinnier instead of ripped…..I’m just a small guy and have always had trouble adding and keeping muscle. Once again, I just think it’s my genetics…any suggestions?