I LOVE reading all the positive emails I get. Helping change people’s lives is one hell of an experience 😀 .

I love it even more when there are pics attached!

Earlier today I received an email from Jason Glover, a guy in Jersey. Jason is an ectomorph or ‘hardgainer‘ as some people call it.

Yes, some people do find it harder to build muscle BUT always remember that we can ALL GROW. There is no-one on this planet who cannot add pounds of muscle to their frame.

Train and eat correctly and you’ll grow. Don’t start getting upset because somebody, somewhere in the world is growing faster than you. You are GROWING, and you are doing it CONSISTENTLY – that’s all that matters.

If you really knew how many people are training year in year out without gaining a single pound of muscle, you’d count yourself lucky. These unfortunate souls keep training in the same (terribly ineffective) manner and expecting a different result – hey wasn’t that someone’s definition of insanity??

First, the BEFORE pics…

Now, the AFTER pics…

Jason said…

“The ‘before’ pics were taken a year ago but I only started training 5 months ago – the ‘after’ pics were taken last night.

I’m living proof of an ectomorph that threw away all the other garbage and just took what you had to offer and applied it.

5 months ago I started off at 69kg and in that 5 months my weight has increased by about 6-7kg; I’m now 76kg [7kg = 15.4 lbs].

I’ve never taken fat measurements as I’ve never had any, I’ve always just been skin and bone.

Maybe you can judge the fat situation by looking at the pics; as far as I’m concerned its all muscle size and maybe a bit of water from the creatine.

Thanks bud, lets keep growing!!”

It’s always gratifying to hear such messages. Thanks Jason, I’ll add your message to the testimonials page. By the way, if anything, I think you may have lost a little fat in the process of adding those pounds of lean beef to your body.

I hope this has been inspirational, especially to the naturally-thin types. Always remember: no matter what your current level of developement – EVERYONE can grow!

Train Intelligently!


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