download free bodybuilding ebookFinally end the frustration and start building some serious muscle mass

  • Perfect for skinny guys/girls – ectomorphs
  • Even better for mesomorphs / endomorphs

Learn how to:

  • Create powerful anabolic hormones naturally and safely with food!
  • Accelerate muscle growth
  • Gain muscle without the fat
  • The reps and set ranges for optimal muscle growth

A lot of people struggle month after month, year after year in their desire to build an impressive physique.


Ineffective strategies.

Perhaps you’re not sure what to eat to build muscle. Maybe you don’t know how often you should exercise the same muscle group or even what specific exercises to do. This book has it covered.

I’ve put together a free ebook for all my visitors that will end the frustration once and for all. It’s called, ‘Total Anabolism‘.

Everyone knows that you need an effective workout plan and a great bodybuilding diet to succeed. This book gives you:

  • The scientific approach to working out i.e. you will know that your workouts are igniting muscle growth
  • The most powerful bodybuilding diet on the planet! No exceptions.

This book is the strategy I use personally. I am convinced it lays bare the fastest way to build muscle there is (without the use of anabolic steroids.)

To get your free copy of ‘Total Anabolism‘ simply fill in your name and email address in the box at the top of the sidebar.

Enjoy it!

Mark McManus

You'll love your fast gains on THT!

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You'll love your fast gains on THT!

Cool! Click here to take you to the download page. (or check your email for the download link)