Deadlifts are one of the best compound exercises around. Like squats they involve a lot of muscle groups. As well as primarily working the lower back, they also target:

  1. Upper Back
  2. Biceps
  3. Forearms
  4. Quads
  5. Hamstrings
  6. Shoulders
  7. Traps

Like barbell rows, you NEED to ensure good form with deadlifts to avoid injury.

Check out the video, then see below for instructions…

(1) Getting Into Position

  1. Stand with your feet just narrower than shoulder-width apart and the barbell just in front of you on the floor
  2. Keeping a straight back, bend at the knees and grab the bar
  3. Grab the bar underhand with one hand and overhand with the other (see beginning of video). Your grip point should be just wider than shoulder-width apart
  4. Now get into a squat position, your thighs being just above parallel to the floor
  5. Keep your head facing forwards

(2) Concentric Part of the Repetition

  1. Take a deep breath in
  2. On exhaling, begin to lift the barbell up with your legs, back and arms staying straight
  3. Keep lifting until you are standing up straight
  4. The top of this movement is when your back is locked. You should be standing with military-like posture at the top of the rep
  5. It should take 1-2 seconds to get to the top of the movement

(3) Eccentric Part of the Repetition

  1. Keeping the bar close to your body, squat back down to the starting position
  2. Lower the weight with a slow, smooth motion.
  3. It should take 2 seconds to lower the weight back to the starting position
  4. The weight should rest on the floor momentarily between reps.

You should reach failure between 8 and 12 reps.

If you can do more than 12 reps, make a note to increase the weight on this set for your next back workout.

Stay Motivated!

Mark McManus

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