I recently purchased a tub of creatine capsules
The reason I did so was because the new way of taking creatine I am experimenting with requires me to load quite frequently. The caps, I thought, would be much more convenient for taking with me on the go.
Sounds good in theory but in practice it’s a bit of a nightmare!
I prefer Micronized Creatine Monohydrate so I purchased AST Micronized CM750 Creatine Caps.
One small problem. Each capsule is only 750mg each. In order to get a 5 gram serving you have to swallow 6 – 7 caps!
So I’m swallowing 7 tablets, 4 times a day in the name of convenience! Needless to say, I’ll finish off this tub and go back to creatine powder.
Why do I like my creatine in micronized form?
- Faster Absorption – The smaller particles are more quickly digested
- More Efficient – Micronized Creatine
has 20 times the surface area of regular creatine. This leads to a greater uptake of creatine into the bloodstream.
- No stomach cramps
You’ll know you’ve got a genuine micronized product if it feels like fine powder in your hand. Regular creatine is like gritty sand.
PS – Stay away from the creatine capsules, they’re a nuisance.
Your Buddy,
Mark McManus
Hi Mark, have you tried Creatine Ethyl Ester HCl (CEE)?… it’s (supposedly) much better absorbed by the body so you only need 3 grams per dose…. it tastes disgusting though but that doesn’t really bother me if its going to give me better gains! P.S. Love your website, i check it every few day’s for updates!
hey mark..is the ast creatine made in china. if its not creapure brand its made in china. love ur sight..deron
thought i wud elaborate on the above statement. creatine is made in 2 countries. 1 is germany and the other is china. creapure brand is made from sodium sarcosinate..safe. all other brands are made in china from thiourea..very dangerous. brands other than creapure may claim to be made in italy, u.s. or wherever but the raw materials r only put together at that facility. the raw materials for any brand other than creapure come from china. given the track record of chinese products, i’ll choose creapure. once again ur sight is awesome..deron
I just wondered if you have ever used GABA ? I find this product amazing I do not think it’s illegal , but it’s effects are amazing
So wait, you’re taking in 5grams of Creatine 4 times a day? I have the Micronized Creatine Monohydrate powder…should I be taking the recommended serving size, 5grams, once or 3-4 times a day?
Hi Josh, you only take it 3-4 times a day when ‘loading’, you only need to do this for about a week! …There is a lot of controversy weather or not loading is more effective though so give it a try and make your own decision! I personally don’t bother loading as i ‘personally’ can’t tell the difference, but i guess everyone is different!
@ Danny. I’ve commented on this before, but basically I think mono is still the best.
@ Deron. Thanks for your comments. To be honest, I don’t know. I doubt that AST’s products are anything but the best quality.
@ Greg. No but I was looking into it recently. GABA seems to be a good supplement for increasing plasma growth hormone levels. I also supplement with L-Glutamine for a similar effect,
Josh & Danny, you need to read the following post to understand the method of creatine supplementation I am experimenting with
not to argue but if its not the worldwide patented creapure brand, its made in china..period. if ur health is important to u, and i know it is, you’ll investigate for urself. im not a spokesman for creapure brand mono just very, very skeptical of anything that comes from china, especially something i am going to put in my body. thx again, a very dedicated student of ur programs, deron
Hey Mark, I have a quick question (even if it’s been covered, at least you’ll have some content ;). Ok, so Creatine and other supplements, are they really necessary for serious lifting or is it just one of those things where you’re probably not getting everything you need while cutting at the same time? I kind of get it, but it doesn’t seem very natural…I guess I’d like to know why everyone is so into supplements (yes, I will search, but I wanted to ask as well.).
Thanks. Keep up the good work.
Hi Dan, No creatine isn’t ‘necessary’…. nothing is necessary apart from a good routine and a good diet to build lean muscle, also a few studies have shown that a small minority of people are non responders to creatine supplements… so the only way to find out if it works for you is to try it!!! i saw some small strength/energy increases when i started using it but it’s by no means necessary to use! Also regarding it being natural to use, it’s actually found in a lot of food, including most fish and red meat!
tainted baby milk found where else, CHINA, hmmmmm, wonder whats in the creatine from china
Bro Mark, ive been doing the 3 on 3 off regime with the creatine and it is making me nauseous and giving me the trots!
Not to mention wanting to chuck up between sets!