Fish Oils

Fish Oils are trendy in today’s culture.

It seems that everyone is recommending fish oil supplements for their much touted health benefits.

Why is fish oil recommended? From wikipedia:

“Fish oil is recommended for a healthy diet because it contains the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)”

The big question the average Joe has is:

What do fish oils do?

Here’s 5 Reasons you should supplement with fish oils:

(1) Lower Triglycerides – Lower concentrations of triglycerides (the form that fat is stored in the body) in the blood are known to be one of the benefits of fish oil supplementation.

(2) Helps Overcoming Depression – Fish oil supplementation effects serotonin levels and so is recommended to help overcome depression. Don’t depend solely on it however; serotonin levels are an effect not a cause. A chronic way of thinking results in the level of serotonin and a change in mental attitude and outlook is the only way to permanently and naturally overcome depression.

(3) Lower Blood Pressure – The following study shows that supplementing with fish oils lowers blood pressure significantly in people with hypertension. (Toft, Ingrid, et al. Effects of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on glucose homeostasis and blood pressure in essential hypertension.)

(4) Better than RitalinThis article states,

“Just six capsules a day of the naturally-occurring oil can vastly improve children’s behavior without any of the side-effects of Ritalin and related drugs.”

(5) Healthy Joints – Omega 3 from fish oils play a role in preventing and treating arthritis. When something goes wrong in the lubricating system between 2 bones, you’re in a world of pain. Supplement with fish oils to help ensure this never happens to you. As a bodybuilder preventing joint pain should be especially relevant.

You can pick up these fish oil capsules pretty much anywhere. However the are many sources of Omega 3:

  • salmon
  • herring
  • mackerel
  • anchovies
  • sardines
  • walnuts
  • flaxseed
  • beans
  • olive oil
  • winter squash

Enjoy and stay healthy!

Mark McManus

image credit: Nicholas Cheong

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