This Scottish guy got in touch with me recently to say that he had cracked 10% body fat on my Total Six Pack Abs program.
His name is Gary Dewar, 35 years old from Dunfermline, Scotland. This is his facebook profile for authenticity purposes.
He said to me, “I am 35, normal guy, cut grass for a living, get up at 5.30am everyday and go to gym 4 times per week.”
“Before I was…
- 5ft 8
- 35″ waist
- Bodyfat approx 18.6%
- Approx 32lbs of fat
12 weeks later I am…
- 5ft 8
- 29.3inch waist
- Bodyfat approx 10% (however i’m not sure exactly, maybe you can tell from pics)
I didn’t take any ‘before’ pics specifically for this. I wish I had.
I have done 5, only 5 sessions of Cardio in 12 weeks! They were 15min sessions of HIIT hill sprints.
Many thanks, Mark, keep up the good work and research!”

Gary before and after
Do you know how to get ripped like this? And would you like to do it without feeling as hungry as you would on other fat-loss plans?
- Do you know how many calories to eat?
- How much protein, carbs and fat is optimal?
- How to train?
- How to make sure that you don’t lose muscle?
- How to prevent “stalling” and keep losing fat every week?
Once you know, you’re all set and success is just a matter of time.
In fact, on this page I have a calculator that will tell you how long it will take you to get a six-pack on the same system that Liam used.
I’m also so confident about this system that I offer a money-back guarantee for a full 8-weeks. So you’ve more than enough time to test how well it works – and if it doesn’t live up to the promise – you can get a full refund. There’s no financial risk on you part.
If you’ve any questions about your training or diet, ask me below and I’ll help you out.
Your buddy.
Mark McManus
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I highly recommend MyProtein for all your supplement needs.
- I also recommend to US readers this Optimum Nutrition whey (and here's a low-carb whey)
- And this quality, inexpensive creatine ~ Mark McManus
Great progress. Well done!