2 more kids pack on new slabs of muscle for free with THT.
Most impressive is the fact that they obviously have ectomorphic body types. Traditionally, building muscle is a long, drawn-out process for such people.
But then again, a lot of programs out there are terribly designed in terms of the big 3:
(1) Intensity of effort
(2) Volume of work
(3) Frequency of hitting each body part
Both training cycles in THT (High Intensity and Higher Volume) are intelligently designed with all that in mind. You just have to DO it!
First up is Eric Leroyer who turns 20 this year. Eric uploaded his pics to the Facebook group.
He says…
“Just finished 10 weeks of THT Volume and am starting THT HIT again today. Great results, hopefully it keeps happening. I weighed 63kg at 15% Body Fat (in the before pic). I weigh 69Kg at 12.5% (in the after pic). Huge difference. Thank you once again Mark!”
That’s a 6 Kg or 13.2lb increase in body weight. With a 2.5% drop in body fat to go with it! That’s impressive in anyone’s book!


Next up is a kid who didn’t want me to use his name and blanked out his face.
Understandable since he’s only 15. I show the pics because it’s the hardgainers that need the inspiration the most. Also, I get a lot of questions from teenagers.

15 Yr Old Before

15 Yr Old After
That’s all the info I have on this kid unfortunately. But the point is this, THT works for everyone…
- If you’re a hardgainer, get on THT.
- If you’re female, get on THT.
- If you’re over 40, get on THT.
- If you’re an endomorph, mesomorph, or ectomorph, get on THT.
Just don’t passively read MuscleHack articles. Download the free book, read it, and DO it!
Why waste any more time searching for a program when there’s one right here that is producing phenomenal results in people all around the world – and it’s FREE!
One more month on an inferior program is another month with lackluster gains! In fact, here’s pics of what can be achieved in just 4 weeks on THT by another hardgainer.
Seeing is believing so don’t waste another minute, get the book and prove it to yourself!
Stay Motivated!
Props to these guys!
good for them. so many young people are eating themselves to death.
God luck to all who try your programme, but in all honestly you are missing the point with the way you have designed it, most natural lifters, especially skinny ones should focus more on increasing the weight on the big lifts like squats, deadlifts, dips, presses, rows etc, best results will occur from training the whole body 3 times in a week using a 2-11 rep range for no more than 15 sets per workout, this is by far the most effective way to build a solid muscular base, it promotes an ideal hormone response whilst minimising catabolic hormones. it’s worked for me where as THT just seemed to tone me somewhat. THT has to many isolation exercises in my opinion.
Obviously any decent method will work for a while its what happens after the newbie gains that counts!
@Ethan. @John. Thanks.
@Mark. THT does focus on increasing the weight on big lifts. The HIT cycle also trains the whole body 3 times a week, with anywhere from 5 to 12 reps for no more than 10 sets. So I’m not sure what you’re talking about.
Compound-only routines don’t build more muscle, they’re actually not that effective
People that have been training 20 yrs have had more success with THT.
Not newbie gains by a long shot. Anyway, good luck with your compound-only program.
I dunno, mark. The way I’m doing THT pretty much fall inside your ideas above. Except that I sure ain’t going to deadlift or barbell row enough weight for only 2 reps, thank you very much (snap, crackle, pop!). So my 8-9 rep range (inside THT parameters) are also inside yours. I’m 60 years old. The only other difference, the isolation exercises, are taking care of stuff I want bigger (read: shoulders, and arms, and six-pack ). Plus the 1 hamstring and 1 quad exercise which I need for my skiing. THT chest only has 2 exercises, 1 which is the bench press or machine version. The back and legs each have the 2 biggies you talk about. hmmm. Maybe it is your diet. I got buttons popping off my scrawny super ecto shirt. . . .
oops. I think I meant endomorph, not ectomorph. I am a skinny dude. Who in the hell came up with these terms anyway.
impressive results and well done to both fellas however i think its important that people realise that these fellas are very young therefore their natural testosterone levels are very high, these results are unlikely in the same time period for people over the age of 25.
Hey Mark,
I started THT 2.0 Cycle in August. Then moved onto your 3.1 program. thereafter. Thus far, My ectomorphism is so intense that Creatine filters through me like water. It has no effect on me except that I break out in pimples all over my back. So i just eat and eat and eat. In 20 odd Weeks I picked up 5kilo’s. I went friom 57 to 62kg… I love THT. Even though it’s taken me quite sometime to get where I am, everyone is noticing a difference in my build… Furthermore, I’d like to point out that I’m 21. Had open heart surgery when I was 2, which enforced Scoliosis in my spine due to the opening of my rib cage. However I’m getting my curvature reversed through Body Stress Release. I just wish I could speed up my gains somehow, but having people commemorate you on your abs and incredible progress is awesome! I’m always motivated to hit the gym! Thanks Mark for this awesome program. By the way, my uncle and step dad are both really big guys and in between those twenty weeks I trained with them for a month or so, I didn’t get any stronger and my weight stayed constant. Then I started THT 3.1 and I picked up 1.5 kilo’s IN TWO WEEKS! 3.1 is legendary! I’ll post some pics up on the FB page. Keep pushing guys! Ciao!
Not so true there are plenty of people aged 25 and above on Marks testimonials page some of the people doing the THT training are above 60 and are seeing these kinds of result. I have a friend that is the same age as me trains everyday at the gym and see’s hardly any muscle groth or no were near what i have experienced, to topit of he has been training for 2 years and i have over taking him in strength and gains. The trick for me was finding this website and using Marks free THT routine and eating right, muscle isn’t made in the gym it’s made in the kitchen, if you dont eat right and dont gain muscle nothing to feed them or you just get fat. Have a look around this fellow here is 35 years old and look at his incredible transformation in 4 WEEKS!!!!
@Mark I can only base my conclusions on your first programme as non of the updated ones will open on our computer? so I have not been able to read them but I recall the original one was not ideal, unless you have changed it dramatically it is still not ideal. I recall it instructed users to perform lots of peak contraction / isolation exercises.
I trained using your methods for a long time with acceptable but marginal results, even still I could not get my weight past 190 without getting fatter.(hormonal ?) but since focusing on Jason Ferruggia’s programme as mentioned above in my post above, in 5 months I have managed to add over 32 lbs of new mass on to my already decent 180lb frame ( now 212lbs @11 % bf – 6 ft ecto) at 43 years old I now look better than I did at 23 yrs.I even dropped about 5 lbs of fat at the same time. I now devote about 90% to big lifts and 10 % isolation lifts, I now deadlift over 400lbs for 5 and squat 340lbs (properly) only last week I had to modify my biggest dumbbells ( drilled the ends to bolt more weight on) as I am now doing one arm rows with 72 kilo’s (each arm) in fact all my big lift have gone off the scale, focus on this type of weight and you will grow, too many sets aimed at overall fatigue just slows recovery and raises catabolic hormones, trust me I did it for over 20 years because everyone told me it was the best way and I accepted average results until I learned how to train for maximum hormonal response.
I am not saying your programme is no good just that it is not the ideal approach for me (based on my trials of the 1st edition) in fact to date nothing has produced results anywhere close to what I have experienced in the past few months, it’s all about hormones!
Just my two cents
Well I had the opposite experience to mark above (the commenter, not the author). I have been lifting for 15 yrs and hadn’t had good gains until I started THT, apart from my first year of lifting that is.
I started getting stronger again and adding muscle.
I dunno man, the way you walk about the program, I’m not sure if you understood it or maybe just didn’t do it properly. All my big lifts went up, as well as my isolation lifts.
You said “too many sets aimed at overall fatigue just slows recovery and raises catabolic hormones” – Mark says exactly the same thing in his own program. It’s like you’re criticizing the program for something it isn’t.
Keep training the way you are. Yes we all need to find a program we’re happy with, but hating on something you aren’t informed on just ain’t cool.
Definitely inspirational! I am still utilizing your THT programme. I gained 2kg of muscles (I hope) in about 3 weeks plus? Maybe the weight is water..whatever it is, I am not losing hope in using THT as the results are proven! 😀
Thank you for spending endless time and effort for this! 😀
@ eric, i never said its not possible all im saying is its v unlikely (in the same time period) as a personal trainer and natural weight trainer (ectomorph) i think the above results are possible but unlikey for most people, not trying to put a dampner on things just trying to keep it real, nothing worse that looking at a pic or testimonial and thinking yea i can do that no probs if they done it. think we have all falling into that trap a few times!!