Thought I’d give you guys a progress update on the soon to drop THT 4.0! 😀

I reckon I’m 50% way through and still on course for a late May publish date.

Here’s a preview of the new cover…

As I stated previously, I’ve renamed it to THT, instead of Total Anabolism. This more accurately reflects the content since earlier T.A. books had both training AND nutrition advice inside. THT is solely about training.

You’ll note I put a tagline at the bottom right: “Visible Muscle Growth In Just 4 Weeks!”.

This is the experience that has been reported back to me time and time again from readers (here’s just 1 example).

Rather than have to wait months to see any gains, THT produces visible, noticeable changes in size in just a few short weeks.

Rather than have strength gains alone, THT puts the “hypertrophy” into your training. Suffice it to say that if you can’t actually SEE any gains in 4 weeks, you’re probably doing something wrong.


As well as the best damn book for muscle growth being free, you’ll also get a FREE program to download that will prove to be very beneficial for this updated version.

How does it fit in and what does it do? Well I can’t tell you that just yet. 😉

I have to keep you guys interested and eager for the new book.

If I had to sum up this new monster in one sentence it would be like this…

I’ve taken THT to the next level by enhancing the whole program to keep you growing and progressing for years to come!

I’m SO excited about putting it out there!

It’ll also be the LARGEST edition of the book in terms of content and number of pages.

The goal is for anyone to be able to pick this thing up and read it in a day and have their whole training mapped out for years to come with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY about their results!

Stay Motivated!


You'll love your fast gains on THT!

Cool! Click here to take you to the download page. (or check your email for the download link)

You'll love your fast gains on THT!

Cool! Click here to take you to the download page. (or check your email for the download link)