I recently received 2 new testimonials from readers who have packed on pounds of muscle and shed fat by using THT training, which is freely available here at MuscleHack.
The first is from Eddie Mathewson who dropped ~6lbs fat while adding a whopping ~8lbs muscle in just over 4 months. A great example of body recomposition. You can also see the improvements in his chest, thigh, and bicep measurements below.
This is Eddie’s Facebook profile.
Eddie said…
Hi Mark, here are my measurements over the past HIT Cycle and “Volume 2” cycle of THT.
I just recently started using the one rep max technique and my strength has gone up massively, thanks a lot, Mark.
And I just want to stress that I did not use any shakes, capsules, or creatine the entire time.
I have made more gains on your program then I have on any USN training program and I will continue using THT forever. (dates are in dd/mm/year format)
The next is from Adi Cutts who has shared his progress after just his first 4 weeks on THT.
Hi Mark,
Just wanted to send you a before & after shot after being on your THT program for just 4 weeks as of yesterday.
I’m 43 next month and I’m ashamed to say I haven’t been near a gym for over 21 years.
I didn’t think that just 45mins, 5 days a week in the gym wouldn’t be enough to make any difference, but boy am I wacked after those 45 mins. I’ve got a whale load of fat to lose, but seeing the difference in me in just 4 weeks has really given me the self belief and inspiration to do this.
I’m also sticking rigorously to the 70GL a day max diet as mentioned on your site, and it has been much easier than I thought it would be. Supplements are Creatine, Protein, L-Glutamine, Magnesium, and Fish oil, as recommended on your site.
My plan is to do the 32 weeks of the 8-12 rep cycle to build muscle and then go on to your Total Six Pack Abs program once I have more muscle to cut to.
Thanks again Mark, love the masses of info on the website and in the forums and very much looking forward to your new members only site which I will defo buy into.
Best Regards

You can really notice the reduction in the love handles, coupled with added muscle mass in the chest and shoulders.
MuscleHack – The place for a FREE training that produces phenomenal results with REAL testimonials from REAL people. No B.S.!
If you’re new here, simply pop your name and email into the form at the top-right of the page to get the full THT workout for free. Also, you can read more about the training program here.
Train With Intensity!
Regarding the pics of Eddie, there must be some mistake in the bicep measurements. My arms are 39.5cm when flexed (cold) and don’t look nothing like Eddie’s. Nevertheless he says that they are 34-35.5cm – cold? unflexed? Mark could you please clarify?
It just can’t be that my arms look (big) like that…!
would like to see before and after pics of legs for a change or full body shots but great work guys, keep it up.
Poalo, my arm measurement was taken while it was straighten out to the side, so its not tighten. I have not take it while flexed
my arm is 42cm flexd
Ah-a! I knew it – well kudos for your progress – and now I need to go back to work to get to 42 (flexed!) myself!
Wow Eddy, i was confused like Paolo! I mean, my arms measure 35 cm flexed and it didn’t compare to yours. So you measurements were non-flexed 🙂
lol yeah, sorry for the confusion guys. Thats the way the gym owner takes measurements, i’ll be back … With bigger arms next time lol. Go hard friends
Great job Eddie and Adi!!! You Just Can’t Find Anything Better Than MuscleHack For Muscle Growth Period!!!!!
definitly Mike, no shakes needed, no roids needed, just musclehack and God and i’m gona prove that to the world