Leg-Blast-workoutWant bigger legs in a hurry? I can get that for you…if you’re willing to do the work!

If you missed my announcement a couple weeks ago on facebook, check this out…


Leg Blast facebook



Right now I’m at Stage 4 😀

So here’s the deal…

Chest-Blast-CoverABEsmallForJnRpageAs with the previous ‘Chest Blast‘ and ‘Arms Blast’ workouts, where trainees got up to 3 inches of permanent size in a little over a week, there should be a way to increase the size of our upper legs if we use the same kind of hyperintense” techniques.

These are techniques you’ve never heard of, and certainly never tried.

And yes, the new size attained will be permanent.




I don’t know the exact amount of growth attainable as yet, and I also need to fine-tune and tweak the workout. So that’s where you guys come in…




If you want to experience this workout and give me your feedback/results, leave your details below (scroll down to see what details I need). Once I take note of your email I will delete it, so don’t worry about others seeing it.

I need about 20-30 people, so if you’re interested, get in early!


* If you don’t like pain, don’t sign up! 

* If you don’t regularly train to positive failure in each set, don’t sign up! This training is going to take you beyond positive failure.

* If you won’t take regular measurements of your legs and send me your results, don’t sign up!


However, if you CAN push through pain to achieve your goals and will take measurements and send me your feedback, leave a comment below with your details.

Men and women of all ages are welcome. This is free. There is no charge for participating.


I will almost certainly send out the full workout to successful applicants on Monday 28th December 2015. 

I will want you to read over it and familiarize yourself with the workout during that week.

Then you’ll do the training the following week i.e. week starting Monday 4th January 2016. What a great way to start 2016!


You will then send me the feedback/results during the following days and weeks.

So let’s do this!




Leave your details below. I’d like your:

  • AGE


IMPORTANT! You must be a free MuscleHack subscriber to participate. I’ll check your email below with the email list. If your email isn’t on the list, you cannot take part. It’s only fair that I give this opportunity to my regular readers. To check if your email is on the list, or to add it for the first time, enter it and click below…

NOTE: Leaving your details does not guarantee that you’ll be selected. I will select a cross-section of all ages, genders, and training experience.



NOTE: There are just 2 weeks until the next intake of members for the MuscleHack Jacked ‘N’ Ripped program! Monday 4th January 2016. Get more details on this program here.

Please do get your spot this time – this is your opportunity to experience the power of building muscle and burning fat at the same time in 2016! There won’t be another chance to come on board until the Springtime of 2016.

JnR let’s you:

  • Obliterate blubber & set a NEW BODY FAT “SET POINT – and keep it FOR LIFE!

And at the same time…

  • Pack on muscle and strength like NEVER before!

Wouldn’t it be nice to STOP the endless cycles of bulking and cutting once and for all?

Now you can accomplish BOTH at the same time and go DIRECTLY to your goal level of muscle mass and body fat in one continuous phase!

The “Build & Burn” code has been CRACKED and is ready for release to the public!

Coming Monday 4th January 2016 – I’ll email and announce on Facebook and Twitter to remind you guys.





If you’re new here or just haven’t downloaded your FREE copy of THT training before, do it now! Many many thousands of people around the world will tell you it’s the best move they ever made. See their results here. You WILL notice changes in the mirror in a few weeks, if not the first week. The scales, your clothes, and other people’s comments will also confirm this. Download it free below…





If you have any questions about training or diet, ask me below. If you need personalized 1-on-1 help from me, consider booking a consultation with me.

And also add me on social media here…

Facebook | Instagram | Twitter  | Google+


Train With Intensity!


You'll love your fast gains on THT!

Cool! Click here to take you to the download page. (or check your email for the download link)

You'll love your fast gains on THT!

Cool! Click here to take you to the download page. (or check your email for the download link)