I wanted to give you guys some update pics. My training has been going fantastically well for a couple of months now. ๐
After a period of about 6 months away from my own home equipment, I’m now back doing my own “underground” garage-style THT training again… and loving it.
Prior to this my workouts were not as productive and effective as they could have been in the gym I was using. And I’m sure certain body parts were atrophying a little e.g. lats ๐ ย But I’m back on track and will be able to bring any lagging body parts back out in the coming months.
So here’s some front and side shots that I took a few weeks ago. Note that I didn’t shave all my hair off or get “oiled up”. No BS, just pics.

Think I was chewing gum in case you're wondering what the white thing in my mouth is
Just for sake of showing progress, here’s some shots from the last few years to compare (earliest to latest)…
While I’m not at my absolute leanest right now, I don’t compete so this is good, especially for autumn/winter time. You CAN stay lean all year, sporting a six-pack all the time.
I didn’t cut over the summer at all. I haven’t been on a dedicated cutting period since summer 2010. I stay this lean 24/7. I simply don’t need to cut anymore. I’ve found a way to establish a new Body Fat SET POINT!
The best thing about it is that as you lose fat and create this new set point, you can continue to pack on muscle! I’ve spent most of 2011 unraveling the “fat loss & muscle gain at the same time” mystery! I’m now sure you can get into the best shape of your life and STAY that way at any age.
My brand new membership site opening in 2012 (hopefully Jan 1st) will be dedicated solely to this goal! It’s all about getting leaner, establishing a new Body Fat Set-Point for LIFE with an exciting new way of eating, rocketing your strength levels, and packing on lean muscle with the best and most effective THT cycle ever created!
Leave a comment below (with your email) if you want to get in on the first intake of clients for this member’s site! I’m taking details early because I won’t take on too many clients at any one time.
Now, I know there’s a lot of lurkers out there. You come and read the articles, implement some advice and ignore the rest. And you STILL aren’t training THT-style, even though this is probably the most genuine bodybuilding site on the net with authentic testimonials and pics. This system of training does EXACTLY what it claims to do….and it’s FREE! What the hell are you waiting for?
If you haven’t had any real increases in size over the past 6 months and you continue to train in the same manner for another six months, guess what’s going to happen? Same thing as happened before….nothing!
You can’t keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result. If you want results, it’s time for THT – and do it by the book! Train exactly as prescribed, and log each and every set of your workouts so you can track your progress and ensure that you are continually improving.
THT is the muscle-building program. The members site will be for simultaneous muscle growth and fat loss. On the other hand, if your body fat is sufficiently high that it warrants a dedicated cut, get your butt on Total Six Pack Abs. I hate to sound like a broken record, but the thing just works…and you get to keep all that hard-earned muscle in the process!
I hope this helped renew your passion for your workouts! I don’t have great genetics, this just takes time and effort for me. Never miss a workout because you can’t ever get it back!
And always remember that with each single set where you make a progression in reps and/or weight, you ARE getting closer to your goal. JUST DON’T QUIT…EVER!
Train With Intensity!
P.S. If you enjoyed this post, please share it on any social networking sites you are on. Thanks!
I would like to get in on the first take of the members website. I have been an avid reader and follower of your site for a while now. I have completed a 6-Pack Abs session and am currently on the THT program. Looking forward to being a member of your new site!
Christian Schamberger
One word brotha, Wow! Only on my 4th week THT now but loving every minute of it!
I want to be a part of the new site. Count me in.
Sign me up for your new membership website
Love your site, love the training and love your articles! And it all works! Cannot wait to see your new plans and information in 2012. Thank you!
Nice work! I’m definitely interested in trying out the new site
Wow! Respect the Triceps!!!! Good job Mark! I’m working on my body as well and have been using THT and TSPA principals for about 6 months now, and I gotta say I’m beyond impressed. I especially love the Arms Blast. I’m very satisfied with my Physique and my strength gains and love continuing to get stronger and bigger as I progress.
Awesome progress pics and count me in on the new membership site as your advice has completely changed my life.. Great motivation right before the holidays! Looking forward to 2012!
I’m definitely looking forward to the new members site. Weight set point stuff is very exciting and I think will be big in the future of weight control.
Ive been following this site for a little over a month now. I’ve put on some weight in muscle which I’m excited about. I’m usually sore for 1-2 days after a workout where as before I hadn’t been. As you say in your article there are lurkers and I’m definitely one of them but I’m looking to change that. I really want to make stronger gains. I find my issue is mentally pushing past what my mind thinks I can do and most likely what my body can actually do. You can clearly see results and increased size in your pictures which is awesome. I’d like to be a member of your new site!
Definitely sign me up for the list!
Awesome pics Mark! I never understood why you thought you were too skinny before in your old pics but now seeing them side-by-side, I can definitely see the value in being the build you are now. Great stuff! Also, count me in the the member’s site, THT has basically given me the best gains I’ve ever had ๐
I love this site, love the nutrition, love the programs….I want in, I need in, I have to be a part of the member site!!!
I’m really interested in being a client of your new site when it launches.
Can’t wait!
Cannot wait for the new membership site – sounds fantastic! Count me in, I’d love to be part of the first intake ๐
Awesome pics too Mark! Great size and definition, especially in the arms! Nice progression
I’m a THT-er and have bought TSPA2, so yeah count me in for the new venture!
add me to the list please!
Nice job Mark. Used your siteover the summer and finally have the body I want. Please let me know when your new site is up…
Thanks for so much!
Hey Mark, i’m one of those lurkers. I came across your articles abouta week ago and started reading with great interest. I resently started a cut, bringing my self from 24% bf to 17% in 90 days. As it turned out i was using, for cutting, the same system you call MANS, for clean bulking but with less calories. I had cobbled it together myself so was both surprised and happy to see it so elequently described by your self. I was just about to start a bulk phases and had not condidered using the same diet i had used for cutting for buking, until i read your article, that is. I’m also going to try out your THT program at the same time. I gave it a whirl the last week of my cut just to see how it felt. DOM city……. Can’t wait till monday to try it on the higher calorie diet.
You are the living truth of your own THT training philosophy, great pics Mark.
Please put me on your list for 2012
Great job Mark! Looking forward to the new site. Have been using your THT cycles for some time now and the increase in size has been constant but i know i could and should get leaner, so that will be my goal for next year!thx for the motivation and keep it up!
Cannot wait for the new membership site – sounds fantastic! Count me in, I’d love to be part of the first intake ๐
Awesome pics too Mark! Great size and definition, especially in the arms! Nice progression.
Awsome pics man! Mark I would love to be a part of your new membership site! You have helped me lose nearly 20kgs and get me from 33% bf down to 22% and hopefully under 20% by Christmas while getting great muscle gains with cycling between tspa and tht over the last 5 months so if I could do both at the same time would be unreal! love your work mate
Mark, you look awesome! I have really enjoyed all the info your site provides. I have been doing TSPA and I love it as well as THT4.0. It’s hard finding programs that work for folks over 40, and I love the results I see with your programs. I would love to be a part of your new membership site in January!
Hey Mark, the new site sounds good and I have been looking for something new. Count me in!
I always want to know more… I am extremely excited to see this new site!
Hey Mark
Awesome site and brilliant results I’d love to know about the members site I have big plans for 2012 and your results I know you get would really help.
Thanks for all you offer bud
Count me in! Great job man.
Getting one of your posts recharges my motivation. Count me in.
Great pics Mark, your site is a huge inspiration. Just started your THT program,probably the best workouts Ive ever done.Count me in for the new members site
Hi Mark,
I’m very interested in being a member of your new site, I’ve been reading and following your workouts since THT 2 and they’ve worked great for me and I have really enjoyed them.
It would be an honour to be a member of the site, pics are looking great!
Im with you in everything till the end of time ๐
Looking forward to your new member site!
Please add me to your new site. Thanks
Great pics Mark.
Please keep me posted of any new updates for 2012!!
Mark – you’re tearing it up bud! Keep going because you keep raising the bar for me to chase! AWESOME WORK!
You know I want in, if only because I’m a MuscleHack addict now – I need the latest and greatest or I feel left out ๐
All the best my friend – and make no mistake, we don’t forget all of your hard work that you do for us.
Great pics! Iโve been following your posts religiously for the past year since Iโve discovered your site.
Iโve made great progress since, thanks for all the awesome advice. Iโd love to join the list.
I have never seen such a dedicated, no bs site. This is the only thing i now go to, instead of wasting my time all over the place with fluffed up stuff that never works. Thanks for making something real. I would love to be on that membership site.
Mark, your site is the best out there by far. I specially love your Total Six Pack Abs “It Works!”. Cosidering you didn’t do any cutting, you look great in the pics. Keep up the great work! Would love it if you can add me to your new site in 2012.
Great stuff Mark, just coming off 9 weeks of TSPA, dropped about 8kg and 10cm off my waist, and got a bit stronger at the same time. currently in the mid teens b.f. at 86kg, feelin good, all thanks to your info mate.
I hit strength plateaus a few years back and remember struggling to break the 100kg bench for 10reps, THT now has me pushing for that 12th rep with 120kg, ive tried a few systems in my day mate to get results and yours is the one i’ll be sticking with, diet, workouts, the lot.
When my mates ask me how I’m training/eating I just send them straight to MuscleHack.
Count me in on the 2012 SET POINT.
Cheers from ‘the land down under’.
Dude.. I would like to be a member..Hook it up bro..Mikey
Count me in. I’m hitting up a modeling showcase mid December and have been cutting for a few months. I’ll need this to help me aim higher!!
This is awsome !!!!!! Count me in!!!!!!!!
That’s some progress m8!
I’m new to bodybuilding and i’ve started with THT! It’s my 3rd week and i’m already experiencing strengh gains! So count me in for the new site members ๐
i found this site right after i got done losing 80 pounds, wish i had found it sooner, i’m in my 9th week of my 1st THT cycle and a dedicated GLADiator and im having great results. Can’t wait to get into that member’s site and see what more Mark could teach me ๐
I’m excited to see the new site! I’d love to be a part.
Excellent work Mark. You can see a huge difference in lean mass from those before early pictures and now. Looking great. Please count me in as well for the new site membership too. All the best my friend!!
I would very much like to get in on the new site too, love both TSPA and THT (Doing a mix of both currently).
I’d love to get in on the new site! I love both your websites already so the 3rd has got to great!
count me in! But I suppose you will give more information right!?
Hi Mark,
Could you please put me on the members site for 2012. I lost 10kg at the start of they year but I was still skinny fat. I discovered your site and its helped me get ripped in just a couple of weeks. Just started the MANS diet and TNT and hope to pack on the muscle like you have shown.
Thanks again,
P.S dont mean to be pushy but anything on musclehack chow sorry just can,t wait thanks agai
Sorry didn’t mention used TSPA to get ripped
Looking good man. What are your stats now…weight/body fat?
As for those earlier pics you looked kick ass. I’m trying to get shredded like that now. Doing your TSPA right now. What was you weight and body fat in those pics?
Looking forward to your new site and hope you get it up and running January 1st like your aiming for. Count me in.
Interested in the membership site if numbers allow
Hi Mark I’m 20 years old and have been using THT for 6 months I’ve already packed on a bunch of muscle onto my previously soft and skinny frame. You have really changed my life. I’d love to be part of your members only site next year. I’ve also been writing a kind of auto biography about my training and how it’s changing my life it’s kind of long so I hope to finish it sometime next year and hopefully condense it as well. Look forward to sharing with you.
Best regards.
You look great. Been doing M.A.N.S diet for a month now and training THT to the letter, making good progress. Please include me for the January list. Just lastly want to say thank you for all your efforts to help us frustrated body fanatics.
count me in for the website. started tspa 2 weeks ago already noticeably more cut. you obviously know what your talking about, cant wait for the website
Im down, count me in.
Hey mark would love to sign up in first batch for your members club. Your e books and web site articles are a massive inspiration. I rave about your methods constantly.
Count me in ! And FYI … for the last few months … I’ve been implementing the modified creatine consumption (mon-wed … before and after workouts) … and with nice results ๐
Your website’s great and I would also like to be included in the members’ site for the new year. Thanks.
Mark! I love your site, your articles. That one is especially a great one to see your results in training. I had to take some weeks off, cause I had too much to do and as a result I got an awful tonsillitis but in a few hours I can go to the gym again and I’m very looking forward to that ๐
But except from that post your article about “least resistance is the path of pain” was the most inspiring post ever!
Would appreciate, if you add me to your new site ๐
Let me know about the new site.
Count me in. I’m currently doing TSPA. I look forward to seeing your new membership site in 2012.
Your advice is always great! Count me in for the new program.
Awesome results! Just got me more inspired to continue my training.
I’m looking forward to signing on for the new site as well.
Guys do yourself a favor and listen to what a no BS coach like Mark has to say and get the best results of your life! You owe it to yourself to not waste another workout.
I want to subscribe to the new program.
Please, count me in.
Looking forward to signing up Mark ๐
Hey Mark,
I have been a loyal follower of your program and your website for awhile now.
And of cos I have tried every one of your programs. I am super excited about your new site and program coming next year. Would love to be a part of it. Please count me in! Thanks
I’m also interested in the member’s site…avid TSPAer and THTer. Thanks Mark!
Mark, gaining muscle while losing fat sounds great to me. I’m right around 12-14 percent body fat and if I could gain muscle while losing a good 4-6 percent body fat.
Sounds fantastic, can’t wait! Count me in ๐
Count me in Mark I would love to be part of this new site.
Keep me on your web mail list. You’re a real standout in the smarmy world of bodybuilding mainly because you seem to be authentic. I’m on your team, my friend. Keep up the high standards.
I am definitely waiting for your new site Mark!!! Count me in too. I have been on THT for 4 months and am seeing true changes.
Thanks Mark
Loving your work Mark. Just at the end of my fist cycle of THT/MANS and it has been amazing. I am genetically not great but I have lost 14lb of fat I did not really know I had, have been lifting with intensity and the weight/reps I am lifting has gone up week on week. I’ll get Christmas out the way and start a new cycle….bring it on!!!!
I would very much like to be a part of your program
Count me in on the member ship. Great work mark. Motivation levels are up high again!!
hey mark, your the real deal brother. would love to be in on your members site. happy thanksgiving! (oh, yeah, don’t think you have that where you live….) lol…
Looking awesome Mark!
Loving the THT4 workouts. Just need to get my diet going better ๐
I want to get in on that new site too! Keep up the good work…
good job mark, i can see your arms are way bigger. can you believe that there are still guys (lurkers) out there that say this program doesnt work? My belief is..
you either get it or you dont and they are doing it half assed!!
count me in.
Congrats on the progress bro!!
ps. hows your legs coming on? the tops of my legs are responding beautifully but the calfs are sucking, im going to throw in some seated raises and some tibualis anteria flexes, ive got long limbs so im hoping this will fill the bottom of my shins out. any thoughts?
Incredible picture..
I hope i can have a body like you..
I like your arms and abs
Count me in. Very inspirational. Keep it up.
What drugs are you on?
You train at home, right? Does your THT system incorporate a lot of body weight exercises? I guess I should just download the book and find out. I look forward to your membership site.
Great work Mark, looking awesome. Done your 6 pack diet n worked fantastic. Just started THT and been best programme I’ve done. Liking the GLAD, feel like I can eat so much more n still stay lean. Thanks again Mark look forward to being a member.
On my second cycle of THT. Found your site just as I was looking for a change to this style of training. I’m getting stronger every workout but I just need to achieve the ‘wasp like’ waist you are sporting there!
Mark if your ever struggling with a dark day or you loose your mojo, just look back at them pic’s and you’ll soon be back on the right path!
Count me in Bud,
What about posting some stat’s?
ie. chest, bi-cep, wiast, thigh, calf and neck dimensions aswell as weight and body fat% along with height.
Do you check out your stat’s or just rely on you look to see you areas for imrpovement?
“Keep on hacking mate!” :-))
Doing THT right now and have done tspa in the past, learned tons and am still learning, please count me in Thanks
sorry had a brain fart and put in wrong e mail thanks
Excellent pics. Count me in. I did tspa and am now on that with mans. Point me in as a member of your new site.
Great mass gain in those pics Mark! You look awesome buddy. I can’t wait to hear about what this new way of eating is like, so definately count me in for the new membership site. Cheers Jimmy.
Hi Mark Id like to be added to the new members site. Ive been following your THT programme for 5 weeks now and am very happy with it. Really feel like the gym is finally working for me now. Long may it last!! Keep up the good work.
Love TSPA and the THT workout would love to get in on the new site.
Your left bicep is tiny lol
Well done mark! Keep up the good work!
Count me in!!!
Great looking pics. Been a TSPA subscriber and have made great progress. Working with THT 4 now . Keep up the good work. Count me in please on your new site. Thanks, Keith
Wow. So many comments. Thanks, everyone. Can’t answer them all. I appreciate the kind words on my pics and programs!
Congrats to the lurkers who have decided to participate openly!
I’ve got the addresses for all interested parties in the membership site.
@Gopi. MuscleHack Chow should be with you and everyone in a couple of weeks ๐
@cliff. Nope, we don’t have Thanksgiving over here. Shame. It sounds awesome!
@Heisascam. “Iโm on a drug called Charlie Sheen. Itโs not available, if you try it once you will die. Your face will melt off, and your children will weep over your exploded body.” Ok, all jokes aside, you must be new here. I’m as anti-drug as they come. I wouldn’t let myself, my daughter, nor my readers down by going the drug route. Natural for life!