Want to FINALLY lose that gut and get cut?
Listen up.
It’s time to do it. And I mean REALLY do it! No more excuses.
Among those who find it most difficult to sculpt a six-pack are guys and girls who tend to add the majority of their fat to their midsection (I’m included in that group).
This testimonial comes from such a guy. And if we can do it, you can too! If you’ve got the right attitude, I’ve got the right program.
The following comes from Kemper Kelly, a 28 year old from Dayton, Ohio (USA).
His facebook profile is here if you want to check for authenticity.
Hi Mark,
Thank you for laying out the path to 6-pack success in Total Six Pack Abs.
I purchased the book in January after bulking up with too many calories. In the attached photos I was 184 lbs with a waist of 34.5 inches.
I followed your instructions and by week 10 my waist decreased to 31 inches. Soon after I was deployed to Afghanistan with the military. While I didn’t have the supplies I used to at home, I adjusted and adapted to my situation.
I have now met and exceeded my goal. I currently have a 28 inch waist, and have made significant strength gains in back, legs, abs, and shoulders.
I have showed off pictures of my progress to my leadership and they are completely amazed at my “willpower,” “self-control,” and “determination”; all good values to have. I will continue the TSPA program and will soon use the MANS diet with the same precision that I learned from TSPA.
Take care and keep up the good work in perfecting the explanation of good exercise science.

Before TSPA

Before TSPA (2)

During TSPA

During TSPA (2)

After TSPA

After TSPA (2)
Do as Kemper did and get ripped now!
Once you reach your desired body fat, transition to the MANS or GLAD diet coupled with THT training for LEAN gains.
Train With Intensity!
Congrats Kemper.
Mark, does an 8 pack have anything to do with genetics? Or can you achieve them by simply training harder?
@Matt It’s a question of being lean enough and having developed abdominals. Kemper is pretty damn lean here.
Fantastic! That really is ripped!
Mark, i was planning on doing this the other way round – THT with GLAD, then move onto TSPA (have to admit only reason for this is that i already do THT and planned to add GLAD into the mix soon).
Would it be better to Start TSPA and then move onto THT and GLAD after?
@matt. It’s a personal choice at the end of the day. I like being lean so I would prefer to cut first then lean-bulk.
@mark – reading more of TSPA i think you are right, i would be better off leaning down through TSPA and then swapping to THT with GLAD.
Another question, my other half is thinking of joining me on TSPA, but she does Pole fitness on a monday (this is the main reason she wants to do TSPA) – any suggestion on how to ammend the training plan to include her day of poling?
@matt Well if it’s possible she can add the pole fitness after her regular TSPA workout on Monday – count it as 1 cardio session.
hi mark… Plz tel me is it possible to be on the tspa while only training for only three days a week , if so im a south african citizen and how much wud it cost me to get the tspa and how wud i make the payment if ive only got an fnb visa cheque card
Yes you can. It’s all explained when you get to the training section in the book, buddy