Did you ever look in the mirror and think, “OK, I really gotta do something!”
That was the story with the guy we’re about to meet. But it was the start of a journey for him that was destined to radically transform his body.
He is 44 yr old Paul Radge from Melbourne, Australia. This is his facebook profile.
Paul says,
“Twelve months ago looking in the mirror I wasn’t happy with the way I looked and at the age of 44, I knew I had to do something soon.
Like many others I took before pictures and joined an online 6 week fat loss challenge. I did lose some weight over the 6 weeks but then found myself marooned on my own. I had not been educated over the 6 weeks; I was simply told what to do and was left with no forward direction. Some of the weight quickly returned due to artificial weight loss i.e. water loss.
I spent the next few months jumping from online diet to online diet. Gym workouts also had no stability as I changed from one to another as freely as the wind changing direction.
Throughout my cyber adventures into the confusing chaotic world of weight loss and gym workouts, the letters T.H.T. and name Mark McManus surfaced several times. I found myself at MuscleHack.com and within a short period of time the proud owner of Total Six Pack Abs.
Now armed with a goal-driven diet and workout which gave me direction and purpose I was able to focus and commit to a better looking me. The science and synergistic effects of TSPA clearly have had very positive outcome. I’m extremely happy with the results and as you can see from my back photo I definitely grew muscle mass whilst shredding fat at the same time.
If I had found TSPA earlier in my quest to transform I would have achieved the same results in a far shorter period of time. I’d like to tell you I was 110% focused on my transformation, but I have to admit that I applied Mark’s 80/20 rule on many occasions when I had to attend social events.
My new knowledge and education of dieting and training has grown tenfold thanks to Mark and his videos showing me exactly how to keep good form throughout my workouts. I’ve now set new goals for the next twelve months of my life by joining Mark’s Jacked ‘n’ Ripped program. It’s now my intention to get bigger. In the words of a great man, “I’ll be back” with another photo in twelve months time.
Sincere thanks to Mark for providing the pathway to a better me.
Paul Radge
The one thing that people who send me their transformation pics always say is, “I wish I had found this sooner!”.
Are you putting it off? Why? When would NOW be a good time to get Total Six Pack Abs and get the body you’ve been wanting for too long.
Train With Passion!

Can I give you my free muscle-building workout?
Join thousands over the world who are packing on slabs of new muscle for free with Targeted Hypertrophy Training (THT)
Well done…
Mark, when is the next release of TPSA due
Hi Mark,
Finished my TSPA training and now hitting THT with MANS. Question: Is there a max fat intake with MANS like in TSPA? Thanks!
@Andrew – Looking like August 2013 for TSPA 3
@Adam – In MANS you figure out your needed cals with the calc on my site. Subtract protein and carb cals to find your fat cals.
Outstanding work, well done…
Another great TSPA transformation!!! Way to go!!
TSPA is truly awesome. Im GLAD-ing now though, but have a question. Approximately what’s the minimal length of time between meals?
This becomes a problem especially when my schedule doesn’t allow for eating when I want and need to eat.
Thanks Mark!
Awesome work Paul! good luck with your training
Now that is some inspiration! After being out of the game for almost 2yrs due to kids being born and some life changes. It’s time for me too. Nice work and great job again Mark. Can’t thank you enough for all you do.
@Muhammad. I can only give a ball-park figure here, but at a maximum, you wouldn’t want to go over 5 hours without eating on GLAD.
Thanks, everyone 🙂
Paul did a great job here!
Yeah I would say that makes sense.
How about time between meals? Sometimes I’m forced to have my next meal just about an hour to hour and a half after the previous. My gauge is how full I feel; any comments?
Thanks again 🙂
Amazing Transformation, congrats on your achievements so far. Keep up the good work!!