After just 10 weeks, this 25yr old English guy looked in the mirror and said,
“I was looking at myself and even I WAS SHOCKED! I had become my own success story”
He’s Fil Ace Biggs, 25 years old from Woking, England. For authenticity, this is his facebook profile.
This is what he had to say about his transformation…
Hi Mark
Here is my testimonial after having done just 10 weeks of MuscleHack training (4 weeks of THT training, followed by 6 weeks on Total Six Pack Abs.)
I’ve never really been what you could call overweight. But that didn’t mean I didn’t want to get in shape. I used to go to the gym and do basic workouts. I would go running and play sports. But it felt like all this did was maintain my slim (some might say lanky) physique. I knew I needed to change what I was doing, so I started doing some research.
In my search for some kind of guidance and information to help me get in shape without spending an arm and a leg, I was lucky enough to come across the free MuscleHack THT program. I had read about other programs by other trainers, but this one really stood out for me.
For me, I really like how everything Mark recommends is backed up by scientific studies and research. Not only does this back up the methods and techniques explained, but it also makes it really easy to understand.
This is me before I started the THT program.

Fil Before MuscleHack
As you can see, I was slim with a little bit of definition.
4 weeks into THT, I started to notice an increase in muscle mass but not much of a six pack. Seeing as THT was working for me, I decided to check out T.S.P.A. And man am I glad I did!
To quote Mark, “Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym”.
I used to be a firm advocate of the idea that exercise was all you need and the dieting was for lazy people. I was so wrong. I gave the TSPA diet a try whilst continuing with the THT program.
After just 4 weeks of the diet, I suddenly had a clearly visible six pack! I couldn’t believe it.
Again, with all the scientific studies and explanations, I completely understand why it works. I have since been telling all my friends about it.
But the moment it really hit me, just how much I had achieved in just 10 weeks, was when I took a photo of myself and put in next to the photo above.
It was me I was looking at and even I WAS SHOCKED! I had become my own success story :
So 10 weeks of working out and eating right later and . . .

Fil After TSPA
But I’m not done yet.
Currently on my week off and I’m raring to get started on the 3-day THT cycle. Thinking about giving the MuscleHack Arms Blast a try too.
I just want to say thanks, Mark. This whole program hasn’t just changed my body, it made me realize what I am capable of and how much hard work and determination really pays off.”
Fil, many thanks for sending me your testimonial, buddy. 😀
It now goes on the long list of regular Joes who discovered MuscleHack and sculpted Adonis-like bodies in the shortest amount of time possible.
You look great, pal. I reckon you could start underwear modeling for Calvin Klein now 😉
You want results like that? TSPA is the way to go! Why wait any longer?
In the words of old-school wrestler Bill Goldberg…“WHO’S NEXT?”
Train With Intensity!
And another total transformation! When will people realize how fast and relatively easy results come when you musclehack it! Great work guys.
Hmmmmm… I am thinking of doing the 6 pack abs program but I am wondering whether the foods that are allowed are real foods or whether they are the powdered supplement kind. So thinking that they might be the powdered supplement kind is sort of putting me off. Actually, a few years ago I did manage to get ab definition (I am female) but I really restricted the amount of food I was eating. Eventually I got used to eating small amounts and didn’t feel the need to eat a lot and was able to keep the definition for a good number of years. I started putting weight on when I started a new job and the office was freezing cold so I was drinking hot drinks and eating biscuits to stay warm. :S Basically I don’t want to return to the days of eating miniscule amounts and I want to eat real food not powdered whey supplement type stuff. Advice would really be appreciated. Thanks
@Sunshyme. TSPA is absolutely about real food that you can buy in any supermarket. I do recommend a whey shake after training for the quick digestion benefits, but apart from that, it’s all real food. There are some recommend supplements, but they aren’t essential and don’t need to be taken. However, you probably already take them…like a good multivitamin and omega 3 etc.
All the best.