What if I said I could GUARANTEE you ongoing fat loss, week in, week out, until you reach your goal? And it’d be EASIER than anything you’ve ever tried before!
Would you believe me? You should. I really want to help you and it’s pretty easy when you know how.
The info I give in this article isn’t widely known among the general public, so if you don’t read it, you might not ever know the truth. And therefore you might not ever get the results you want so badly.
This is a fun little read but also highly informative. If you don’t know the real facts about how to lose fat 10 minutes from now, I ain’t done my job!
It also might not be what you’re expecting. Read on…
What Is Fat Loss Anyway?
Fat loss is NOT losing fat cells. The number of fat cells you have is genetically determined and there’s nothing you can do about that.
Think of your fat cells as balloons. If they ‘inflate’, you’re getting fatter. If they ‘deflate’, you’re getting leaner. So it’s a change in the volume or size of your current crop of fat cells that makes the difference.
So now you know what needs to be done. Let’s look at how to do it.
How To Lose Fat
The fundamental Truth with a capital T is the first law of thermodynamics.
The first law of thermodynamics states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. In the weight loss world we equate this with the idea that energy/calories cannot simply disappear. So:
- If you can take more calories than you need, you get fatter.
- If calories in = calories out, you maintain your weight.
- If calories in is less than calories out, you lose weight.
Now, there are 3500 Calories in a pound of fat. In order to lose 1 pound of fat, you need to create a caloric deficit of 3500.
The usual recommendation is to create this deficit by eating 500 calories below maintenance per day. Over 7 days you should lose 1 pound of fat (7 x 500 = 3500). You can calculate your maintenance energy requirements here.
You could eat 500 less Calories per day, or perhaps burn 200 Calories through exercise and eat 300 less Calories. The deficit will be the same and you will lose roughly the same amount of weight.
But does it always work out that way?
You and I both know it doesn’t always turn out so perfectly. Everything I’ve said up to now is for normal people whose weight fluctuates up and down by a few pounds. If you’ve gained a few pounds and want to lose them again, all of the above applies to you.
But there’s more…
You know the scenario: You busted your butt in the gym all week. You probably did all sorts of aerobic-based programs. You stuck to your diet and at the end of the week…you lost NOTHING! NADA! ZIP! Not even an ounce. I would say 99% of people have experienced this first hand, or know someone who has.
So what happened? I’m going to borrow a little bit from my article ‘Carbs & Weight Loss‘.
We need to look at what regulates our fat tissue. This is primarily the role of insulin. And what is determining the levels of insulin in the body? Predominantly it’s the carbohydrate in our diets.
If you have higher insulin levels than normal, it has the following 2 undesirable consequences:
(1) It stores MORE of your incoming calories AS FAT instead of supplying energy to your body’s cells
(2) It doesn’t let that fat back out again very easily i.e. it’s more likely to STAY stored.
If carb-sensitive person A (releases too much insulin in response to carbs) and non-carb-sensitive person B (releases just an appropriate amount of insulin) both eat 2500 calories, person A will get fatter than person B because more of that energy went to storage (inflated the balloons and stayed there).
Also, person A won’t have as much energy as person B because person B’s cells had access to all of that energy, whereas person A didn’t.
I created the analogy of a water butt that people use for irrigation in their garden to explain this. Check it out…
The above non-carb-sensitive person’s weight remains roughly the same over time as calories in = calories out. Now let’s look at the other side of the coin…
More of what is coming in is going into storage for this person. If this storage tank could expand, as our fat cells can, then slowly over time it would get bigger and bigger.
In humans, however, it’s worse – we get hungry! Since all the energy taken in isn’t reaching our cells to be metabolized (it’s shunted into storage) the body perceives less food and a hunger signal is sent out more frequently than it would be for a regular, non carb-sensitive person.
There’s only so long a person can feel hungry before they have to eat again. Such a person can have a positive energy balance (calories in > calories out) even when they’re eating what is supposedly maintenance calories. But such a person is also more likely to overconsume to compensate for their higher hunger levels. It becomes a vicious cycle.
Let me put it this way…
Say you need 2500 Calories to maintain your weight. If I were to overinsulinize you every day this week by injecting you with more insulin, you’d actually get fatter than last week even though you also ate 2500 Calories per day last week.
Let’s say that the extra insulin stored 500 of those daily Calories straight to fat. You’d get fatter, that should be obvious.
But I said the cells of your body NEED 2500 Calories per day to live on. Your body still wants those 500 Calories that went ‘missing’.
Like I said in Carbs & Weight Loss, in this scenario you’re ‘semi-starving’ at the cellular level i.e. your cells aren’t getting all the energy they need. You’ll be hungry, moody, tired, you definitely won’t want to exercise, and you’ll just want to eat so badly! You know as much as I do that it’s only a matter of time before you eat more. (and again some of that will go to storage). Take heart, I’ll tell you the way out of this cycle very shortly.
Wanna see something cool but kinda gross?
This is a pic of a diabetic guy’s torso who injected insulin into the same spots for years. Diabetics are advised to vary where they inject. Why? Because if they don’t, they can develop ‘lipohypertrophy’, i.e. an accumulation of fat at the insulin injection site. Yes indeed, insulin is the storage hormone.
A trainer’s manual I have at home hints at the truth, but doesn’t quite get there. It does allude to insulin being the energy storage hormone. But then elsewhere in the book states that it is simply a matter of calories in and calories out. Have a look…
Note how the last line of the Insulin section states that, “Rapid weight gain in the early stages should be viewed as normal” as the client is in a state similar to that of a mild diabetic.
So yes it matters very much what HAPPENS to the calories we eat, not just the AMOUNT of calories we eat. Is a calorie a calorie no matter where it comes from? No. That’s an old dogma that needs to die. The metabolic pathway our calories take depends on where those calories come from. Each macronutrient (protein, carbs, or fat) has a different effect on the body.
The caloric or energy value itself doesn’t tell you much. Protein and carbohydrate both have 4 Calories per gram, but have different effects on the body. Alcohol has 7 Calories per gram, but we wouldn’t say it’s healthier than fat because fat contains 9 Calories per gram, would we? By the way, sugar is more similar to alcohol than anything else in its pathway and negative effects on the body.
How Do I Know If This Applies To Me And What Do I Do About It?
You’ll know if you’re someone who adds fat easily in comparison to the amount of food you eat. If you are truly getting fatter without overconsuming, then this is likely the issue. Also, if you diet and only lose weight for a few weeks then it stops despite your best efforts, there’s something else at play.
So What Should You Do To Finally Lose Fat, Get Lean, and Stay Lean?
(1) Start off quite easily. For the first week or so, don’t even create a calorie deficit. Simply reduce your carbohydrate intake. Try around 100g of net carbohydrate i.e. ‘net’ means not including fiber – eat as much fiber as you like. Make sure as little of that carb intake comes from sugar as possible.
(2) You will more than likely lose fat even when eating supposedly maintenance calories because your overall energy levels will increase (calories out) and your body will be freely allowing your stored body fat to be used for energy.
(3) Don’t do any cardio. If you lift weights, continue to do so. In fact, because of its prolonged increase in metabolic rate, a great weight training program is the BEST form of fat loss exercise there is. Plus it builds muscle, and muscle tissue is ‘metabolically active’ i.e. it burns energy even when you’re lying in bed. But there’s no need for any extra exercise on top of this. In later weeks you may factor this in. In fact, with your increased energy, you’ll spontaneously want to move more.
(4) If you stall later, further reduce your caloric intake. Try shaving off 100 Calories at a time. This would be 25g of carbohydrate. But at this stage you can take this 100 Calories from a mix of protein, carbs, and/or fat. Remember there are 4 Calories in 1g of carbohydrate, 4 Calories in 1g of protein, and 9 Calories in 1g of fat.
It’s really rather easy when you understand the real science of fat loss.
Remarkably, in contrast to your previous attempts to burn fat, you’ll have more energy and feel a lot less hungry. Your fat cells are deflating (you’re getting smaller) and that stored energy is being released for energy. So isn’t this what we should expect from a diet that actually works?
Remember that the only reason your body stored your calories as fat in the first place was to take it off at a later date. The body does both these processes very well. It’s just that we’ve all been given pretty lousy information about how to go about losing fat for so many years.
After implementing the advice in this article, some of you are going to be literally flabbergasted at how easily you are losing fat without “trying” so hard like you used to, and…you’ll be nowhere near as hungry.
This is exactly the experience of those who get Total Six Pack Abs. T.S.P.A. takes everything I’ve said in this article and supercharges it! Better yet, they continue to get stronger and build muscle while torching away all their unwanted flab. This program details the perfect diet, weight training, and correct type and amount of cardio for getting ripped and muscular.
This single post CAN and WILL help people. Please help in this mission by sharing it in whatever social networking sites you are a part of. You can do this by simply clicking one of the icons below. I would really appreciate it, and so will many others. Also tell your own readers if you have your own site or forum. Thank you 😀
Your Buddy,
Mark McManus
Fantastic! Mark I’ll definitely share this one around!!
OMG! That guy’s belly with the insulin shots. I never knew that could happen!
Hi Mark, Love your sight man! I don’t understand the “Don’t do any cardio”. I lost 50 pounds due mostly to 30 minute power walks. I did do weight training and controlled what I ate as well. I lost the weight to prepare for quitting smoking. I quit smoking but due to a calf injury I couldn’t do any cardio and gained back 40 pounds. Now I’m back in the gym, on the treadmill and watching what I eat. I’ve dropped 3 pounds in the first week. I’m 51 and it’s not as easy as it used to be so I’ll do whatever it takes.
You have a really good writing style. Good info also, couldn’t have come at a better time for me really.. my plateau just ended….for now… but will use this on the next one when I’m <9%bf.
His belly = Peter Griffin’s chin!
@Joseph. Hi. First, in the article I say you can factor cardio in later. But there are reasons not to bother at all:
(1) It increases hunger making it harder to stick to the program.
(2) You’ll risk burning muscle if you do too much
(3) It interrupts recovery and growth of muscle. A muscle stops recovering once it’s worked. Why put the brakes on your gains when you don’t need to?
(4) It burns a lot less calories than you think. Don’t believe the machines in the gym; they’re way off the mark.
(5) Weight training burns more calories overall as a single session keeps your metabolism raised for around 48 hrs. Cardio doesn’t do this.
But you did a great job with your own fat loss. However, most of your success was due to diet, weight training, and cardio in that order.
@James Thanks 😀
@JC. lmao
Definitely one of your best, well done Mark!
Dan. Thanks, pal.
Mark if you feel you are sensitive to carbohydrates what would the recommended amount of carbohydrates should you eat to on training days to build muscle and would it be better to replace certain carbs with fat on non-training days?
Nice Post Mark. I was a bodybuilding competitor 2 years ago I but due to some reason I cannot able to continue body building from last 17 months, And I build too much fat, now I’m again back to the Gym but It’s really hard to lose those build up excess fat, and I’m now in age of 20, so is this formula work for me? or I have to do something else?
@stickupkid. If someone was very sensitive to carbs, I’d recommend the MANS diet with 1 or 2 carb-ups per week. Say Saturday and Wednesday.
If there’s little or no carb-sensitivity, GLAD will do the trick as you avoid sugar but have other carbs. That’s sufficient for most people in my opinion.
@Abhishek. Yes, this is a great place to start. If you are competitive and want to get shredded, Total Six Pack Abs is the program for you https://totalsixpackabs.com/
Excellent article.
Thanks a pile.
Excellent article Mark – you should make it a showpiece one. You talk about the contradiction (for lack of a better term) in the piece between the cal in < cal required to loss weight (1st law thermo), and the issue with insulin. I'm still not clear on it. Why does insulin resistance increase your fat if you have more or less of it, "IF" you eat fewer calories than you need? In your diagram of the water tank, sure some of the water is shunted off to a separate tank (i.e., the insulin tank), but the total water is the same. It seems to me that if you eat fewer calories than you require, you'll lose fat, regardless how whether that insulin plays a role or not. You need the deficit calories from somewhere, regardless.
Unless I'm missing something about the energy required to convert a calorie into energy is different? Thanks!
@Andrew. No there is no contradiction at all between the first law of thermodynamics and the role that insulin plays.
In the diagram the total water inside the tank is MORE in the carb-sensitive person i.e. less water is available to come back out. This means ‘calories out’ has decreased. This person may believe they are eating at a maintenance level but they’re actually getting fatter. Total ‘energy in’ is more than that of a person with good insulin sensitivity, and total calories out is less. Their cells then don’t get all the energy they need and they feel lazy and perpetually hungry.
Great article! Sharing it now.
Thanks, Adriana 😀
Simple and powerful…this is what we expect Mark!
Hi Mark,
After reading alot around the subject of insulin and its effects on fat cells. Alot of the websites I have looked at have said something along the lines of once the fat cells have expanded, they remain at that size (or grow bigger due to calorie excess) but they rarely shrini in size. This is generally used to then explain that when people stop dieting and exercising as regularly, they put on weight faster due to the fact that these fat cells remain expanded, making it easier to store fat.
I’m curious to know whether you came across this in your research at all?
Unfortunately my sources are all from memory of the sites, so I doubt if I can reference them to you.
By the way I love all your work, and this summer im hoping to make some large gains through tht, while using either mans or glad (any recommendation?).
Keep up great work
Thanks Mark… Great article. I can cut calories and carbs, (although, to be fair, I dont count carbs)… I can increase cardio, or decrease it while doing the same with weight training. Still, I gain weight very easily and lose it painfully slowly. Its pretty frustrating… Might this be an insulin issue? Are there medical tests for this?
Hi Mark.
Forgive me if I’m being dim but do you recommend limiting carbs to 100g a day or week?
hey mark should lactose be limited during a carb up on MANS?