I have received a number of emails about the MuscleHack Anabolic Nutritional Strategy. Basically, a lot of you want to know what to eat on the low-carb, weekday part of the diet.

No probs!

Low Carb bodybuildingWhat I have decided to do is to start daily food logs. This will give you guys a good idea of how to feed those hungry muscles properly when low-carbing.

This will be starting this Tuesday 15 January 2008. 4 days worth of food logs should give you a great idea of how to eat in order to build maximum muscle.

By the way, the acronym MANS certainly doesn’t mean that this is not for women – it is! So for female bodybuilders, this is perfect for you too.

I really appreciate all the encouraging emails of success stories and support. I am getting through them all and answering every query I get. This will not always be feasible in the future but I will continue to answer questions through blog posts and possibly a FAQ section.

It’s a pleasure to help you all reach your goals.

Mark McManus

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