Would you like to be mentally tough? To feel confident. Maybe even invincible?
Imagine feeling stronger, more assertive, and more in control of your own life.
Also, imagine you could develop resilience to bounce back from the life’s set-backs much quicker…and then use those experiences to your advantage.
If you study the successful people of the world, you’ll notice that they all have the qualities I’m about to list.
Learning and applying these traits might just work a revolution in your life!
(1) They have given up the fear of failure
Failure is a PART of success. If you choose to learn from what others call “failure”, then you didn’t fail.
If you keep going despite the inevitable set-backs, you’ll see that you only fail when you quit. There is no failure, just feedback. Learn from it.
“Sometimes you win, and sometimes you learn” ~ John Maxwell
Sometimes you win, and sometimes you learn ~ John Maxwell Share on X
(2) They see problems, not as obstacles, but opportunities for growth
I believe that there is a purpose to life. Therefore, there is a purpose to each individual life. A large part of that purpose is growth.
Therefore, challenges/problems are inevitable. But they are not random “bad things” that happen to us, but necessary occurrences pushing us to grow and expand.
If you are going through a challenging time ask yourself, if this were happening for a higher purpose, what would it be?
Going through a challenge? Ask: if this were happening for a higher purpose, what would it be? Share on X
You may also want to ask how you would see this situation if it were happening FOR you and not TO you. If it were actually the perfect situation for your personal evolution. Think about it, you cannot climb a smooth mountain.
(3) They do not have an “entitlement” mindset
Strong, independent, successful people understand that the world does not owe them a living. The person that has most to do with what happens to you in life…is you!
The person that has most to do with what happens to you in life...is you! Share on X
And it is not your government’s job to take money from others and give it to you. It IS your government’s job to make sure that there is equality of OPPORTUNITY; then it’s YOUR job to take personal responsibility and make the most of those opportunities.
(4) They have the ability to delay instant gratification for long term success
The way I see it, in life you can have short-term pleasures or long-term fulfillment, and you can’t have both.
- You can’t skip the gym [pleasure] and expect to build the body you want [success]
- You can’t procrastinate [pleasure] and expect to be successful in your career [success]
- You cannot eat whatever you want [pleasure] and expect to be ripped [success]

Instant gratification often comes with long-term painful consequences
Make your choice as to the type of person you are going to be. Someone who caves in to instant gratification or attain true and lasting success?
By the way, if you are serious about getting ripped, see my Total Six Pack Abs program for a plan that works ridiculously well. Or if you just want a bigger chest in a hurry, and you won’t skip the workouts, see my Chest Blast Workout.
(5) When in pain they remember, “This too shall pass”
Yes indeed, all things pass. These 4 words can help you through a tough time. Move on and never waste time feeling sorry for yourself.
“Try to consider as transitory all adverse circumstances and disturbances. Like ripples in a pool, they occur and soon disappear.” ~ Dalai Lama
(6) They set written and clear goals for their life
Having goals gives your life direction and meaning.
If you don’t have these, you are much more likely to fall into the “short-term pleasure” model of life with all the inevitable pain that comes from that kind of lifestyle (see point 4 above).
Think of it like riding a bike. If you stay still and put your feet on the pedals, you’ll fall to one side or the other. However, if you pedal forward and start moving, the forward momentum brings balance and you stay upright.
If you want balance, direction, and a meaningful life, you need that forward momentum. And you only get this by setting goals.
(7) They have given up jealousy
Why be jealous of others? If someone is successful, they’ve worked damn hard and made sacrifices to get it. You have no business being jealous.
If you are jealous for another reason, realize that you are supposed to be you, and they are supposed to be them. There was no mistake made. We are all unique and you will become happy when you start being YOU and being true to yourself. Live authentically and be 100% you. You’ll then see that there’s no need for jealousy.
Jealousy sometimes arises by counting someone else’s blessings instead of your own.
Jealousy sometimes arises by counting someone else's blessings instead of your own. Share on X
(8) They choose to believe that everything happens for a reason
Of course, I cannot offer proof for such a belief. It is a belief that I have adopted in my own life. And it is shared by many others.
The reason for holding to such a belief is because of the inner change that it brings about.
When something “bad” happens, they do not take on a victim mentality and ask, “Why me?”. They ask, “How am I supposed to grow/change from this? Where is the opportunity in this?”
(9) They don’t fear criticism
If you are going to do anything big in life, you must accept beforehand that you will be criticized and be ok with it.
You cannot reach 1 million people, or even 10,000 people and not be criticized. People have different views and a certain percentage will always be more than willing to tell you where you went wrong (even if you are 100% correct).
Your response should be to try and understand their viewpoint and be kind in your response. If they cannot be civil, recognize that this is a reflection of who THEY are and ignore them.
Remember: No-one has ever erected a statue to a honor a critic.
Don't fear criticism. No-one ever erected a statue to a honor a critic. Share on X
(10) They embrace change instead of fearing it
The only constant in life is change. So fearing change is folly.
Without change we’d still be riding on horse and cart. There’d be no internet. Things always get better over the long term.
If a change in your personal life appears to be for the worse, adopt the belief that it’s happening for a higher purpose (point 2 above). Never fall into victim mode.
Isn’t it true? Haven’t you been through some painful experiences in life that you thought were a curse at the time. Then a few months or years later you realize that you would not be the man or woman you are today, or be in the place you are today without it? I think we can all relate to this.
So perhaps there’s no such thing as a bad event. Don’t fear change.
My final piece of advice: We all need to learn these lessons (and more). You can choose the proactive route and just take them on board and live by them or…you can learn through suffering. In my own life, it has been the painful experiences that have been my best teacher. However, I wouldn’t recommend it 😉
I’d like to hear from you below. If you have anything to add, or a suggestion, or an experience from your own life, I’d love to hear it.
Now, are you ready to stop making excuses and build the body of your dreams. People make the best gains of their life with this routine. THT training is 100% free.
NOTE: You don’t have to go to your email to confirm anything. Once you click the button, you’ll be taken straight to the download page 😀 I operate a ‘Strictly Zero Spam‘ policy.
If you have any questions or need help, ask me below 😀
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Thank you, Mark for your insight and words of wisdom. I needed to be reminded of these things, especially since I am about to embark a new life as a newly wed in a new city, a new state, and hopefully soon, a new job and start a new business as a part-time health coach. Yes, it’s a lot, a little scary and stressful, but in the big scheme of things, it was my choice. It’s also ultimately my choice as to how I will view supposed chaos and the attitude I will take. This is a challenging moment and there is a plenty of opportunity of growth, but this too shall pass. 🙂 Thank you so much for all the No-BS fitness/fat-loss content you put out on a regular basis. You rock! Keep up the great work.
@Geraldine. We all need reminders from time to time and I am more than happy to have helped 🙂
I wish you all the best in your new life!
Great content Mark. Sometimes I need to be reminded of # 5 and 7. Not that I’m perfect in all other areas. Haha. There are times when things get tough and one wonders if the light at the end of the tunnel is a train. I’m going through one of those phases now… but this too shall pass. I just have to keep going.
Thanks for all the good work that you’re doing bud. I try to send positive vibes your way, even when I’m going through your workouts. 🙂
@Tudor. Thanks for the feedback, pal. It will pass, buddy. Look for the lesson 🙂
Great post Mark, I actually like it when you post this sort of thing, I’m a very over-thinking/analysing kind of person when it comes to myself so posts about self reflection and improvement always strike a chord with me.
In partiqularly number “9” is the biggest one for me, I can be strong and independent in so many ways but for all the good, it only takes one negative comment to knock me back, indeed i’ve made more life choices or refrained from doing somthing I actually want to do because of this.
How I try and think about this now is tell myself “Although I wish I had taken the necessary steps 5 years ago to get me where I want to be today, doing them now ensures I will not be saying the same thing in another 5 years.”
I also try and think that no matter what anyone has done “bad” or “wrong” up until now, there are surely many things they had done right and had they taken “steps they wish they had of done x years ago” they might not have obtained the same results in other areas of life.
As an example a few years ago I chose a job instead of university, doing so lead me to meet my current partner
Amazing Mark.
More than a musclehack coach, you’re a mentor. Those principles are the core of a successful life.
I also think that you can learn a lot of life lessons through bodybuilding when you approach it by the spiritual aspect.
I’m currently doing THT and a vegetarian GLAD diet, I’ll share some pictures of my amazing progress when I’ll start TSPA and cut these 15% Bf.
Little questions :
– About your article : why don’t you make some videos where you could share those principles more on détails?
– About THT : have you considered create a hybrid program of THT , like a 6-day split where you hit 2 times each muscle, and do 5-6 sets per muscle/ training ? While keeping all the principles you’re teaching, of course. I could be amazing, and if you want a guinea pig, I’m here. Just a thought!
Keep doing amazing articles Mark. You really change my vision of bodybuilding.
my choice also lead me to find new interests and socialise with new people who I might not of met otherwise, these people and experiences lead to my interest in sport and fitness, and obtaining certan qualifications in that area!
who knows what I would be doing had I went to university, I could be in a better job yes, but I could also be without a job, without certain people in my life and a lot fatter/unhealthier xD
but that’s just over-thinking, just trying to put some perspective on finding positives in regret etc.
Great article Mark. I believe #8 too, and it tells me there’s not only a “design” for my life, but also a Designer. I’m sure you’ve thought of that too…very inspirational notes today; appreciate the help you’ve been!
Great post Mark! I’m not sure what challenges you faced during the past few days, but your attitude is that of a true winner. Your sharing of posts like this is greatly appreciated. That’s why I’m such a big fan. Keep it up!
Loved this. I’ve just had a battle with breast cancer this yr all clear now,thank god,n tryin to get back what it took from me.I think the biggest thing in life you can do is not give up even if it’s one small thing you do a day you’re winning,your in control and should take it as an achievement. It’s very important to keep our body’s healthy but also our minds. Good luck to everyone . D
Well said Mark…well said. Each and every one of these points touch our lives.
Sometimes when you’re in the weeds or trenches, you don’t see clearly.
Thanks for the wave…that said…over here….look, over here. Just walk this way.
I was going to mention my favorite of the ten but they are all just as important as the others. Nice post Mark, I think we all need to be reminded of these from time to time.
Two of my tops favs in life are:
Be Who You Are, Say What You Mean. The People Who Mind Don’t Matter. The People Who Matter Don’t Mind. — Dr. Seuss
Learning is finding out what you already know. Doing is demonstrating that you know it.
Teaching is reminding others that they know it just as well as you.
Richard Bach
@Luke. Great contribution. The past no longer exists. All your power is in the present 🙂
@Alessandro. Thank you!
(1) Yes I am planning something like this. In fact, I may start a side-project dedicated solely to it.
(2) Yes. But it would be a 4-day plan to accomplish what you are talking about actually. I may release something in the near-future.
@Steve Hays. I very much agree, buddy 🙂
@FredR. Thank you!
@Donna. Congratulations and well done! Fantastic news! Agreed – just never never never give up!
@Andy. Thank you. And you’re exactly right – “Where dry desert ends, green grass grows” 🙂
@Bill @Tom Thanks for that, guys!
Hey Mark,
Thanks for sharing a timely article. I needed it!
God Bless!
Dinesh K
Apparently great minds think alike. You analogy to riding a bike to stay balanced agrees with an old Albert Einstein quote shown below. I also included another of his quotes below in which he defines insanity that I think especially applies to exercise & diet:
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.
—-Albert Einstein
The true definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again——and expecting a different result.
—-Albert Einstein
That was just what I needed to read after my day.
I put off going to the gym cause my work day was a wreak and I just wanted to go home.
You have inspired me to think differently in so many of your posts this one hit hte nerve it needed to!